Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Normal Request

I am not sure if this is a normal request in your home, but in ours, you would often hear mom and dad asking the children "Please get off your head!" As Grandpa told BIG J the other day "I think I see you more on your head than your feet."

Friday, November 29, 2013


We had our first snow last week and Purple Girl could not WAIT to get outside and touch it!

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Big J and Purple Girl are in tumbling this year.
 They love it. Last week was their last time this year
 (they have December off and will start back up after the New Year)!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bath Tub Fun and Sleeping

Little J loves to take a bath. And after our evening bath time, 
comes evening sleep time! I just love pictures of sleeping baby!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Who are we this time?

Dress up is so common in our home. It is very normal for our children to walk into a room with one outfit on and come out with another. I love their imaginations and their love for dressing up!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

One Last Day...

The kids and I enjoyed one last day at the park this year. 
Maybe it will not be our last time this year, but we know winter is around the corner.

Detective Party

To start off the detective party (see Blog post below), the kids had to try to make it through the "tape" without touching it.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Detective Party

This year for school, Big J read a book with two of his friends. It was a book about being a detective, so after the boys finished reading the book, we had a party. The boys had to go through "Detective School" and at the end they became "real" detectives. They were quite excited. The girls enjoyed watching and participating when they could. One of the activities was trying to shoot a target:
They then had to put blind folds on and try to identify items just by smelling them:
Another activity was trying to sneak up behind a person and remove a piece of felt without them noticing:
In the end, they received a backpack with special detective gear (compass, flashlight, magnifying glass and notepad):
One final game we played involved some of the kids trying to stay frozen while the other kids try to make them move or laugh. Purple Girl, try as she may, could not keep herself from laughing.
However, her cousin did a great job and was able to keep a straight face. Her brother won with the boys too - being the only one not to laugh.
Here is Busy Bee's face as she tries to make them laugh.
Busy Bee enjoyed watching the babies.

Little Brother Wants to Play

Little J wants to join his siblings when they play. The older kids were in the family room playing, so Little J pulls his walker up to the carpet and enjoys watching them.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Shoe Store

The kids were playing the other day and Purple Girl had the idea to start a shoe store!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bath Time

The Girls enjoy taking baths together. Busy Bee was in the tub for a while the other morning. When it was time to get her out, she says to me "Look mom, I am all pruney!"

Sweet girls with their towels!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cousin Love

Sword and Shield

Big Brother made a sword and shield, so the girls needed one too. They loved running around the house "fighting" one another. Mom and Dad even played too!

Simple Joys!

The other evening after dinner we went for a walk in the dark with our flashlights. The kids thought it was SO much fun. I love simple activities that bring so much joy to our children's faces!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Big J made a Ziggurat for school.  Not sure these army men fit the picture,
 but he enjoyed putting them on his building.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Girls Day Out

Grammie was down for our annual girls day out at the craft show.  Of course, this year Busy Bee is still a little too  young to attend and Little J needs to be with mommy.  Maybe next year it will be all the girls.  Aunt Fell and Cousin J came too!  We had a fun day.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Little J

Little J was happy to sit for the photos. He loved watching the leaves blowing and even trying to eat them. He also enjoyed watching Big Brother behind the camera trying to make him smile.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Busy Bee!

Busy Bee fits her name perfectly right now. If I turn my head, this little lady is into something. From climbing on tables, to into Little J's walker, to coloring on her hand or playing with her food at dinner, we just never know what this little lady might be up to. She is a funny girl and keeps our family smiling. As you can see from the first few pictures below - she is always ready to entertain.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Purple Girl

Purple Girl has changed so much and looks like such a little lady these days. She is our girly girl - from nail polish, to bows, to spinning dresses and high heels - this little lady loves being a girl! She also loves being a mom and taking care not only of her baby dolls, but also helping me with my baby. She enjoys helping in the kitchen and can crack an egg like a pro. She is tumbling this year and greatly enjoys it.