Friday, January 31, 2014

Big Boxes and Forts

I love when we purchase a new item that involves a BIG cardboard box.  It makes for many fun hours of play for the children.  With daddy's help they built a "Spy House." 

The following evening with Daddy's help they built a fort in the basement!  

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Many Smiles of Busy Bee

The other evening I wanted to take a quick photo of Busy Bee in the dress she was wearing.  I just wanted one quick snap of her with a nice smile.  Here is what I got:

I gave up and by the end I was laughing as much as 
she was in the pictures above.  This little girl cracks me up!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Many Hands Make Light Work

The other afternoon I had a usual task to accomplish - making homemade chicken fingers.  This task usually takes me a lengthy amount of time, as I try to make in bulk.  I recruited some help this time, however, and it was amazing how fast we accomplished the project.  What a blessing to have two children who are willing to help (there might have been a promised treat when they were done).  But they helped with smiles and were enjoyable to work with.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Man Teeth

Big J is in the phase of life of losing his teeth. 
 He went from this:

To this:

Saturday, January 25, 2014

On the move

Whether in his walker or on his hands and knees, Little J is on the move.
He loves trying to open my dishwasher and pull it down.

He thought hiding behind this chair in the kitchen was quite the game the other day.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Daddy's Home

Daddy was gone on a four day trip.  
When he came home, the children could not get enough hugs, tickles and fun time with daddy!  

They ALL wanted Daddy's attention and love, but I wish you could have seen Busy Bee.  
She just kept running into Daddy's lap and wrapping her arms around her daddy. 
She would have sat forever hugging and cuddling him.  
And now that Little J can move, he certainly wanted some Daddy time too.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


What do we do when we visit GiGi?

Purple Girl has enjoyed making pictures.

Busy Bee loves that GiGi lets her color with a pen.

Big J is either reading a book or this particular time he was
trying to figure out the Rubix's Cube.

Little J enjoys chewing on GiGi's tubing.

And of course, all the children love the special treats GiGi has in her fridge - CHOCOLATE!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


It was 50 degrees the other day, so we of course had to get outside!!

Busy Bee loved pushing her baby brother around.

Monday, January 20, 2014


We enjoyed a fun afternoon at the Waukee swimming pool.  We were blessed to have Grandma join us.  I certainly could not have taken these four to the pool without her.

This little guy loved being in the water.

He found this ball and would not let go. 
Once he gets a hold of something, 
you will have a hard time getting it back from him.


It was a cold, windy Saturday and the children had more energy than normal. 
 What could the parents do?  Head downtown to the sky walk and let the children run, run, run!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

It is official...

We have a crawler!  He is now ALL over the place.  He has always loved being on the move, and up until now, it was only when he was in his walker he would be all over. 
But no longer does he need the walker....he can do it all by himself.

If you have been in our home and had the thought "How could this house get any busier, louder or crazier?"  The answer is above!!!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Exciting Life of Busy Bee

Busy Bee continues to keep our home entertained!  Every day she has a new story to tell me.

One day there was a Penguin in the potty that was scaring her.  The next day a Gorilla was having a tea party with her. She was convinced that Gorilla's are nice and would not eat her.

This particular day (see below) I had music playing while we were eating lunch and as I look over she has her eyes closed and she is bobbing her head and hands up and down to the music.  Of course this caused laughter from her two older siblings, which only caused more "dancing" in the highchair.  I have to admit that mom was laughing too.

She also loves her daddy so much - she will often go and cuddle in his lap.

Friday, January 17, 2014


Little J has learned how to show us how BIG he is! 
It is so fun and precious every time a little one learns a new "trick."

Of course the siblings love to ask him over and over again "So BIG!"

I love this little guys smile...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Girls Girls Girls

Last evening Purple Girl was blessed to gather together with some of her friends.  
We talked about Proverbs 31:15 and providing food for our families.

he rises while it is yet night
    and provides food for her household
    and portions for her maidens.

Purple Girl helped me prepare for her friends to arrive.  She made homemade Banana Bread and Lemonade and set the table for a tea party with her friends:

She did such a good job serving her friends bread and drink.

After the tea party, the girls all gathered around the table and they made pizza for their families.

These girls did a wonderful job and it was fun to see the smiles on their 
faces as they made the pizza's ALL BY THEMSELVES! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Trip to Minnesota - Day 2

The second day we headed over to the Mall of America.  
It was a full, 10 hour day the mall.  Some of us got a little worn out:

The children did great.  They kept going all day.  Purple Girl was able to ride on the "big" rollercoaster this year and she LOVED IT!  It was so sweet to ride with her.  The first time she cuddled in next to me, but by the second ride, she said she could sit all by herself.  The next thing I know, she has her arms in the air laughing as we go around turns.  She was cracking me up!

I also got to ride on the coaster with BIG J!  We sat in the front.

Purple Girl enjoyed going to the Disney store and seeing the "magic" mirror.

These four also had fun riding on rides together.

This little girl didn't want to leave. She would have kept riding on rides all night long.

We were blessed to have a wonderful time. 
Busy Bee stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa and 
had a blast also.  She had many stories to tell me.