Sunday, November 30, 2014

One of Mom's Favorite Games...

Pretend we are sleeping!

I wanted to get in on this game,
however, if I would have laid down next to them
1) being 29 weeks pregnant, I might not have gotten back up
2) I might have fallen asleep in the 30 seconds they lasted 
pretending they were sleeping.

So I took a picture instead and encouraged them to 
continue playing!!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Pull Up

This Little Guy just loves to pull himself up.

He is quite the climber and quite the lifter of any item
that might seem heavy!

Friday, November 28, 2014


Big J was away from his Little brother for a few hours the other morning. 
 I do believe Little J missed his brother while he was gone!!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Favorite Morning Activity

Little J LOVES to help me THROW the laundry into the washing machine.  He not only gets the dirty clothes in there, but if I am not watching, will toss some clean clothes as well.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Never Enough Room

I am blessed to have so much love when I sit down in a chair.
  It just seems like there is never enough room in any chair I sit in.  

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Snow - So Exciting

The first snow of the year is always so exciting for the kids.  Although we didn't get all too much snow, the kids still couldn't wait to go out.  I dressed the girls first and they enjoyed going out.

I was hopeful Little J might be content
to just watch his sisters outside.

No such luck.

He just had to be out in the action.  
And of course his sisters were excited to welcome him in their play.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Night Out with Dad

Big J enjoyed a night out with his dad a few days ago.  
They went to a hockey game downtown.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Another Field Trip

The two oldest got to attend a play at a local theater. 
 I had planned to attend, but unfortunately I was sick that day. 
 So, Aunt Fell stepped in and took the children with her and her two kids.  
Thanks Aunt Fell!

It sounded like they had a good time.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Last Nice Day of the Year

On possibly the last nice day of the year (temperatures above 50 degrees)
we went Frisbee Golfing.

Little J loves to follow his daddy around.
He is going to be his daddy's side-kick.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Be Like Dad and Mom

Little J has been taking his naps in our closest, 
so when Big Brother and Big Sister go in to wake him up,
 I often come upon this scene.

They just love putting on dad and mom's clothes.
They were going to church, if you couldn't tell.  Big J 
has a tie on and Purple Girl is carrying her purse and Bible and 

of course has on her HIGH shoes.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Watching Big Brother

Big J is playing basketball again this year on Friday afternoons.  The girls were off running around playing with friends, but Little J enjoyed watching his brother play (at least for a little while he sat happily like this any ways).

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Quiet Moments Do Happen

Even with four young children with
lots of energy, every now and then,
quiet moments do happen all on their own.

There is no need to guess where Big Brother is - 
he started the book reading and also had a book 
in his hands at this time.

Friday, November 14, 2014

So Much Love

Little J receives so much love from his siblings, 
especially his two big sisters.  
Busy Bee loves to give him hugs and Little J tends
to like to give her hugs as well.  So, I often see them hugging
each other.

Purple Girl keeps a good watch out for Little J.
If he falls, hurts himself or cries even a little,
she is the first one to the scene to make sure he is okay
and to pick him back up.  
If she has gone away and returns home, he is the first one
she runs to and always picks up and gives a great big hug!

She tells me all the time that she thinks Little J
is the cutest boy ever - "He is so cute I can barely handle it"
she will tell me.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

New Fun Toy

Grammie brought back this new fun toy for Little J to play with.  She had actually got this for Big J when he was a year old.  It was a little difficult for Little J to make it go on his own (you have to hold your foot down).  But, Big Sister was more than willing to take him for a ride.

If any one is questioning if Busy Bee is wearing the same Mini
Mouse PJ's she received a year ago as a present, the answer is yes.  
And yes, they are way to small and missing buttons.  But she LOVES
them and wants to wear them all the time.  
So, why not?  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


For history the children made homemade boomerangs.

Of course they would not fly back to them when
they flew them, but they still had fun seeing how far they would go.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Craft Show

This past weekend we had a girls day with Aunt Fell, Cousin J, and Grammie.  We went to a craft show in town.  The girls enjoyed getting all dressed up in their pretty Christmas dresses.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Pumpkin Crafts

We have been doing some fun pumpkin crafts.

Today they were gluing pumpkin seeds they had 
colored onto 
pictures they had drawn.

Busy Bee got a little ambitious with the glue on her picture.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


The kids had fun going to Grandpa and Grandma's for a Halloween party.

We had a Star Wars guy, a Cowgirl, Batgirl, and Motorcycle Guy.

Very adorable little guy.

We played some games.

Grandma made a big fort in the basement
for the kids to crawl through.

And the kids enjoyed bobbing for apples.