Monday, February 29, 2016


Dad works from home, so often we need
to keep our voices down.  
The other morning he had to go somewhere for the 
day, so we put some music on, 
danced around and then I let 
the kids roar as loud as they could.

These three really enjoyed it!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dance Party in the Kitchen

Nothing like turning the music loud,
getting out some kitchen utensils,
and having a little dance party.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


We have a few renovations going on.

The kids enjoyed watching the contractors work.

With renovations, comes furniture scattered around.
The other morning Little J was out of sight and quiet 
(two things that do not happen very often).

I walked around the corner from the kitchen 
and see he found a seat.  He thought he was quite funny.

Renovations are fun for the kids...
for a little while.

Monday, February 22, 2016

More Painting

These two LOVE to paint...

For some reason, it always ends on their hands.

They have fun though!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Painting the Snow

Used ketchup bottle...
food coloring...

And we can "paint" the snow.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

More Birthday Celebration

Grandma and Grandpa stopped by to 
celebrate with our baby boy for his birthday.

The tissue paper is always fun.

He received his own stuffed dog.

He was so excited and snuggled this
dog the rest of the night.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Valentine's Anniversary Day

Our anniversary is on Valentine's Day.  
It was 12 years.

We celebrated at home with our 
five blessings.

The girls had fun decorating the kitchen
table for dinner.

After dinner we had a little dance party.
Mom and Dad danced to our wedding song.

Then it was the girls turn to dance 
with their daddy. They could hardly wait.

It was a nice day and a sweet reminder
of the blessings of the past 12 years
and how fast time does go.

Thankful as life passes by quickly,
we have a Lord who is always with us,
who is always faithful, and is always true!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Birthday Celebrations

Grammie was in town and we had a small celebration for Baby J's first birthday.

He was not too happy about wearing the hat.

Opening presents.  

Without evening asking the kids 
went around the house and just wrapped 
up toys we already had.  Great idea!

He really enjoyed playing
with the matchbox car the 
brothers wrapped up for him.

He wasn't so sure about the candle.

In the end, 
he just wanted down and 
to be walking around.

Happy Birthday buddy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Happy 1st Birthday

Our baby boy is 1 year old!!  
Wow, did that year go fast. 
 From our sweet baby boy only a few days old...

To our big boy at one year.

He LOVES to walk and roam around 
our home. 

He also loves animals.  If he sees deer in our yard
or when he has seen a dog or a cat, he gets
so excited that he almost starts shaking.
Looking forward to taking him to the zoo
this spring.

Clapping for mom:

Making funny faces at mom:

Being sweet for mom:

We love this little guy so much.
Counting our blessings and feeling
so grateful for the family the Lord has given us.

Looking forward to watching this 
little guys personality grow over the 
next year.  

Monday, February 15, 2016


School project today - 
Build a windmill.

They had fun and were even able to make these work
to pull a button up that they attached to a string.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Balloon Races

String, straw, tape and blow up a balloon...

And we have balloon races.