Monday, November 28, 2016

Baking Day - Cut Out Cookies

I had some wonderful helpers
to make Christmas Cut Out Cookies.

We opted to frost the cookies
while Famer J was resting.

So thankful for my help!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Shopping Day with My Girls

The girls and I enjoyed a fun shopping
morning together.

Taking a break and getting a quick snack.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Enjoying Days at Park

Oh, how we LOVED enjoying these nice
November days at the park.

By the time you are reading this,
these days of 60 and 70 degrees have
come to an end.

But oh, how those November days were 

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Reading to His Stuffed Animals

This sweet boy loves to "read" to his stuffed animals. 
It is SO sweet!

When he had surgery in April, he received so many
stuffed animals.  For all who gave him one, know
that he LOVES them.  This child really loves animals
and sweetly takes care of his stuffed animals.

ALso - maybe you have noticed, but
our sweet Puppy J is helmet free! Since his 
appointment in October - he doesn't 
have to wear it anymore.  Yea!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Skyzone Fun

Big J was there too - 
he was off playing dodge ball
with some other kids.

Certainly a fun place to go.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

More Kitchen Help

I am blessed to never lack for help in the kitchen.

Bless Fancy E's heart to always want to include her 
brother - so up she pushed him to the cupboard
and let him stir her oatmeal bake.

She was happy - he was happy and I was
thankful that only a small amount
ended up on the floor.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Girls Day Out

The girls and I, along with Aunt and cousin J and Grammie
went to a local craft show for the day
as well as out shopping.

It was a fun girls day.