Wednesday, December 27, 2017


I have discovered or am finally using any ways, the free on line books that we can listen to through our local library.  It is a great activity for afternoon quiet time.  The children were all in the schoolroom listening and when I peeked in I saw these two:

They really do have fun together and love one another.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


I make monthly runs to Costco and a few other
groceries stores that are out of town, but allows
us to buy in bulk.

I have so many helpers when I get home and
this guy below LOVES to find the heaviest items to carry in.

I heard him say over and over again as he was picking 
things up "I'm a BIG STRONG GUY Mommy!"
(melt my heart).

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

From our Family to yours - Merry Merry Christmas!

The below picture is a little blurred...but lots of love!

Sunday, December 24, 2017


We have had some really nice December days.
Loving it!!

This particular weekend afternoon dad 
had the kids outside hitting baseballs.

The boys hit also, but I guess I didn't 
take a picture of them.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Big J is playing basketball this winter.

These may not be the best pictures,
but best I could do from my seat 
with four children next to me.

Friday, December 22, 2017


Grammie forgot her hat in our van,
so this little lady has been wearing it.

Thought she looks kind of cute :) 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Nursing Home

This is the crew that went to the nursing home this year.  
Unfortunately a few Book children (cousin's) couldn't make it due to illness, 
which mean Aunt had to stay home also.

Singing "Drummer Boy" and playing their
drums on the floor.

We Wish you A Merry Christmas song, with the 
hand motions.

And the kids always looking forward to singing the
12 days of Christmas with the residence and
holding up these big signs.

The children each now have special friends they
look forward to seeing when we go.
I think this sweet lady is warmed by
Farmer J and his big smile.

This lady below always loves
when Puppy J will sit in her lap.

And Big J and this sweet lady enjoy
playing games together and coloring together.

These two cousins are becoming quite
good friends.

Only two months apart in age, but a little
difference in height.  But best friends for sure!

And although these three aren't all officially cousins
(BIG J is to both) it feels like cousins all around.

We had such a nice morning at the nursing home 
and are so thankful for our friends there
and the opportunity to go once a month.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

More Pics

  A picture of each by the tree...

And there is always one,
with a little prompting from the gallery,
who takes advantage of the camera being pointed at her...

A little blurry for some reason,
but a nice sweet face finally!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Few Christmas Pics

We try to go to the nursing home in December and
sing some Christmas songs and do a little Christmas skit.

Before we go, since I have the kids dressed up,
I attempt some photos by the tree.

Friday, December 15, 2017


Fancy E is really good at including her little brothers.  
She had to put these bananas in freezer bags for smoothies 
and was quick to ask her brothers if they wanted to help her.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sleeping Boy

Now that this boy has stopped taking most of his naps, 
we often find him falling asleep in car rides or any 
where else in the evenings.

This time we were driving home from somewhere 
at 6:30pm and I forgot to make sure he stayed awake.

This particular evening he just went up to his room and 
put himself to bed.  I thought he was up there playing.  
Lights on and all, he went to sleep.