Sunday, January 29, 2017

Where Have We Been?


For those who are regular followers of this blog, you may have been missing some updates.  Unfortunately we had quite the sick January - which lasted about 25 days, and consisted of 3 or 4 different viruses.  When you pass that among five children and 
even share a little bit with mom, it can really cause all other 
things to fall off the schedule for a while.

All the children ended up sick in one way or another. 
Tiger Lilly lasted the longest without getting sick, but
when she finally did, she ended up being hit the hardest.

So, we are hopeful we will be healthy for while now.
But it is still we shall see....

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Christmas Day

I missed putting a few Christmas photos on the Blog
from Christmas afternoon.

We spent it with cousins, aunts and uncles and Grammie.

New Lego sets are always exciting.

Girls were very excited for their new 
baby doll items as well.

We had such a Christmas this year :) 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Food Stand

This little lady really wanted to set up a
food stand and "sell" the food to her siblings.

So, we put this together and she had a great time.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Snowman Craft

One child refused to look at the camera. 
But some days you just take what you can get.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Christmas Program at GiGi's

For the past several years now we Nathan's mom 
has organized a Christmas program at Nathan's Grandma's.

All the grandkids (17 children, 9 years of age and younger)
this year help put on the performance.

First, they sing several Christmas songs together.

Sweet boy playing his "drums" for Drummer Boy.

This picture below is sweet to me, because when
all the children lined up in the row above, Puppy J walked
by the entire row, looking up at all the children
and looking as if he was wondering where his spot
to stand was.  He saw his big brother, and placed
himself right next to him.  He stood there contently
through the entire performance.  It was so sweet.

After the children sing songs, they then put on a
Nativity Skit.

We had a cow.

A camel.

An angel

and a wise man and Joseph.

Here is the cast.

It was a nice evening and everyone seemed to have a nice time.