Thursday, November 30, 2017

Special Ornament - Farmer J

I think Farmer J was expecting another tractor ornament, 
but he has received these the past two years, 
so I needed to come up with a new idea this year.

He wasn't sure about my choice, hence the face below.

 But I think he likes his hamburger ornament.

This boy enjoys eating hamburger and prefers to have it every night for dinner.
This ornament also fits his outgoing personality.  He loves when we host and
have people over for dinner.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Special Ornament - Tiger Lilly

Tiger Lilly's ornament was also a Michigan one - a Michigan boot.

As some of you may know, for the past few years 
she has been telling us she is an Iowa fan or any other
fan but Michigan.  However, this year she
decided to become a Michigan fan like the rest of us.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Special Ornament - Fancy E

Love this girls excitement when she opened her ornament.

It was a Michigan high heel shoe for two reasons,
one - she is quite the loyal Michigan fan.
Two - she loves anything fancy and high heel shoes fit her personality.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Special Ornaments - Big J

Every year each of the children get a new ornament that has a special meaning from the past year. 

Big J's new ornament was a Michigan chair ornament.  
He is a BIG Michigan fan like his dad and this year they went to their first Michigan game together.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Christmas Tree

Always an exciting time of the year after Thanksgiving
when we get to set up the Christmas tree.

So many helpers...

Puppy J loved putting all his ornaments
in one spot on the tree.


After we set up the Christmas tree,
we eat dinner and watch a movie by the tree.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Lunch Date

Puppy J and Grammie had a
special lunch date together.

The highlight was a hamburger in a bun 

and these dogs in a vehicle that went
by the window (they were sitting
by the drive thru)

He had a special time and 
I think Grammie had fun also.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Our Tiger Lilly enjoys to sing and really
enjoys listening to music.

If I have music playing on our computer 
I often will find her sitting like the below.

She will take a seat and sit,
sometimes just listening, others time
singing along.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Love for Little Brothers

Fancy E is always so thrilled
when she can help and take care of 
Puppy J. (and of course whenever
she can get him to snuggle next to her)

Farmer J was upset about something
and Tiger Lilly went over to comfort him.

Lots of love for these little boys.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Fun Morning

Crafts and activities for Fun Friday!
We made turkey's for Thanksgiving.

Then we did a STEM activity.
Using craft sticks and binder clips,
how tall can you build?

The two above attempted this challenge.
It was a little difficult for the younger, so
they had fun with craft sticks and clothes pins.

Everyone had fun building something.

And BIG J won for the tallest.

She built a rollercoaster.

I guess I didn't get a picture,
but even Puppy J had fun and was 
sticking clothes pins to the sticks
and calling them his chain saws.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Craft Show

The girls, Aunt Kelly, cousin J, Grammie and 
myself went to our annual craft show in town.

Heading off to the show.

We had a fun day.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Pumpkin Carving

The kids look forward to this every year.

Daddy worked on a pumpkin for the the four youngest kids.

And Big J got to do his own pumpkin this year.

Daddy and the kids pumpkin :

Big J's pumpkin: