Monday, December 31, 2018

Date Night With Daddy

Fancy E enjoyed a date night out with her dad.

They went to a coffee shop, had smoothies
and played card games together.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

May Be December....But it is warm outside

 When you can go to the park in December with no coat on, you know it is warm.

I certainly have been enjoying the warmer weather and
being able to be outside. 
The children were bummed we would not be having a white Christmas.

Saturday, December 29, 2018


The two oldest children made full size nutcrackers for art for school.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas Day

Bright and early kids were up!

Finding Baby Jesus scavenger hunt...

And finding our missing ornament scavenger hunt...

Listening as dad tells the Christmas story...
a few children were a little bouncy as they couldn't
wait to open stockings.

Eating breakfast

Egg bake

Cinnamon Rolls

And off to opening gifts...
we do things early around here

The rest of the day spent relaxing at home enjoying
our new gifts

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we opened the kids gifts they got from their
grandparents in North Carolina.

Then we made a stir fry fun dinner-
pick your toppings and dad cooks it up for you!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all!

Big J (11) years old!  He played baseball this past spring and is currently in basketball
again this winter.  He is also still taking piano and when he finds a song he
enjoys will play it over and over again.  He continues to love to read,
love to code on the computer and loves to learn all he can about
any technology he can get his hands on.  

Fancy E (9) is taking piano and just started her basketball season for the winter.
She continues to love art and to make our home beautiful in any way she can.
She has had the opportunity to help decorate with a friend of mine for
a few events we have held in our home, which she really enjoyed.  
She loves her baby dolls and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby in April.

Tiger Lily (7) started taking piano this year and is also 
currently playing basketball for the first time this year.
Both activities she is extremely exited about.  She has a love for monkeys,
a love for building and creating things, and a love for her new baby doll
she just got from her Grammie for Christmas.  She also is very excited for the 
arrival of her new baby brother or sister come April!

Farmer J (5) still plans to 
be a farmer someday and to have BIG tractor and a lot of cows, just like his Uncle John!
He has started school more officially this year.  He loves art just like his big sister
and really enjoys when let him watch the how-to kids video's on YouTube to draw.

Excavator Man (3) still holds true to his name.  He plans to drive 
an excavator when he gets older and all other construction vehicles as well.
It was special this year as Christmas seemed like a first for him - being at the age 
where he more knew what was going on.  He loved driving around and looking at
Christmas lights and would get so excited at every house we saw.
He loves to wrestle with his brothers, drive his vehicles around the house
and build with Magna Tiles or Lego's (if his siblings help him).

We had another blessed year.  Every year has its
ups and downs and trials life will bring our way.
We are so thankful for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who not 
only gives us true meaning to our lives, but also
gives us a purpose in our trials and our good days,
 and a certain HOPE to look forward to.  

Praying your future is secure in Christ -
as certainly nothing in this world will last forever!

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. 
No one comes to the Father except through me.  John 14:6

Thursday, December 20, 2018

More Science Center

Since we have the pass, it is a great place to go and release
some energy!!

Supporting our team on the Lego Wall

He built an airplane

The kids got to be on the noon news.