Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Mother's Day

Apparently I did not get too many pictures from 
Mother's Day.  It was sandwiched between a ladies
event I hosted in our home and a trip I went on with Nathan.
So, it was a busy day.

But, I did get this little boys smile as he was
SO excited to give me his gift.

All smiles as I am about to open it.

It was homemade.  Can you guess what it is ?

a train!!!

So much love put into this train -
it sits in my bedroom...
Worth a millions dollars to this mama!

All the children wrote sweet nice notes.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Digging the Holes Part Two

Thankfully our neighbor let us use his
electric post hole digger, which made
things go a  little quicker.

But this process still took a lot of time-
of daddy's time -  so while he worked,
we tried to stay close by and help
when  we could and offer encouragement.

Little boys played with trucks...

and acted silly for the camera...

We cheered Dad on - Way to Go Daddy!!

Until this huge part of the project was done
and we could all say "HURRAY!!"

I love  how her little  face  above  looks so
tired, when it was her daddy who did most of the  work.

An event at our house as well as a  work  trip  that  mom 
got to go on with dad has  stopped  work currently. 
But more pictures to come and a completed project in
hopefully not too long!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Next Step - Digging the Holes...

After the ground was clear, 
now comes the hard step - 
digging the holes to put the 
four beams in.

Of course the kids wanted to  help,
but this was a job for dad.

Every one took a shot at it.

But in the end,
this was a  job dad needed to do.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Please Dad, Build us a Play Fort....

The kids  asked, and  prayed, and  asked again,
and although their Dad is extremely busy with several
other things  in life,  he kindly agreed to build them a 
play house or play fort in the backyard.

These children are so  blessed to have a Dad who loves  them
so much and will take  time to do  this  for  them.

It all  starts with an idea.  
The kids each  drew a picture of what they wanted
their dad to  build.   Cute to  see  all their ideas. 

Then we had  to  decide  where  to put it.

Next we had to clear the area  out to prepare
it to build  on.

Lots of prepping work....

Friday, May 18, 2018

Happy May Day

This year we decided to deliver
some May Day Baskets.

Running to the  house...

Trying to run away...but I 
think they got caught.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Grandpa's Stories

These children love their Grandpa.
When he comes over, I  often see the scene
of the kids sitting and listening very attentively
as he tells them one of his many stories.

Nothing beats a BIG hug at the  end
telling Grandpa how much he is loved!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Work in the Yard

As the boys were working,
they came upon a opossum.

Burning sticks

Moving Sticks

After a hard days work,
never better than roasting your
own hot dog over the fire.