Friday, June 29, 2018

Berry Picking

We enjoy going berry picking 
in the summer.


Fancy E snuck away and
picked some raspberries

These two little
boys did a great job.

This guy started strong but by 
the end he was eating more 
than he was keeping.

We picked a few strawberries as well.

It was a nice morning.
And you would be surprised how fast 
blueberries can disappear in our home!

Thursday, June 28, 2018


And the reception!
So much fun!

Fancy E really wanted to have a picture of curtseying with 
the "Princess" Hannah

Great Grandma with her Grandchildren

Great Grandma with her great grandchildren who were there.


Grammie with her grandchildren there

Dancing !

I know this picture below is super blurry, but I 
had to include it.  Fancy E never left the dance floor for
over 2 hours straight.  It was so precious - she was adorable
and had such a fun time.  I love this ladies personality - when
she is having fun it SHINES in her and makes everyone else smile.

And this sweet lady rarely left this chair at the
reception.  She was tired and doesn't really enjoy big
crowds.  She was often found sitting next to her cousin P.

The wedding was beautiful!
We felt so blessed to be a part of it
and we pray that Hannah and Tyler's marriage
would honor God as they seek to live for Him.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Walking down the isle

Unfortunately Uncle Lloyd had broken
his ankle a few weeks prior to the wedding.
So cousin Micah (his son) helped him walk
Hannah down the isle

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Pre Wedding Pictures

Wedding Party

Cousins in the wedding

These two had a lot of fun together...
they are a month apart in age

Monday, June 25, 2018

Wedding - Rehearsal


Practicing walking down the isle

Cousins who were ring bearer
and flower girl

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Wedding -Cousins

I had a cousin who got married in June in Northern Minnesota.  She was so sweet to ask our two girls to be junior bridesmaids along with their cousin J.  Unfortunately dad and the boys were not able to make the wedding due to Big J's baseball schedule.  So the girls and I made the trip with Grammie.
We had a wonderful time and got to spend time with a lot of family.

A few cousins stopped by our place on the way to Minnesota.

Swimming at the hotel pool with cousins.

All the cousins who were at the wedding.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Field Trip- Apple Store

We took another really fun 
field trip to the Apple Store.

We had to divide into two teams to make
movie trailers.  
We had the girl team...

and the boy team...

which pretty quickly went down to these 3.

They had so much fun and made
some pretty cute movie trailers.