Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Big J

Big J was excited for his first week of school since it started with a coding camp all week.  He still loves computers and technology and really enjoys these camps.  He had  a fun summer which consisted of free time to read books, baseball and being on the all star team, mowing the yard this year for Nathan and also for our neighbor at times, 4th of July parade and fireworks, going to lots of parks with his younger siblings, going to the pool a few times with cousins, going to Adventureland and basketball camp.  But back to school buddy...here we go!

 And doing a lot of "slicing"
Apparently this is the new "cool" move right now.

Monday, July 30, 2018

First Day of School

I can't believe our summer break has come to an end and we are starting school today!  
The kids, whether they would admit it or not, are ready.  And I think overall I am ready also. 

My class this year :) 

Our thinking faces...

Our smart faces...

To our silly faces...

To let's jump for JOY...school is starting!

2018 - 2019 school year here we go.....

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Happy Birthday V

Happy 7th Birthday to this little lady!

I don't have any official birthday pictures yet, 
so this one will have to do.

It fits this young lady who loves her
stuffed Ape!

We are so blessed to have this lady as 
part of our family.  She is an idea girl...
our singing girl...wants to be an engineer girl...
loves to ride her brother's motorcycle, 
always finding random things around our home 
to create with and always the child playing in sink with water.

Happy Birthday our sweet VV!
We love you so so so much!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Running in the Rain

we had a week of a lot of rain.
Eventually you just have to let them play in it!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Fireworks at Friends

Some friends have neighbors who put off
a firework show, so they invited us over to watch.

Pre-fireworks put on by the boys.
He wasn't sure about the noise.


Big brother and his friend enjoyed putting
off some small fireworks

And the younger siblings enjoyed watching


Then the bigger fireworks began and this 
guy was excited to see...

the crew watching the show

Friday, July 6, 2018


After the parade and nap time,
we had our at home 4th of July carnival.

Football Toss

Basketball Shooting

Ring Toss


Water Cup Races

Water Balloon Toss

Enjoy after carnival treats

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Happy 4th of July

We started our day going to a parade with cousins.

I thought it was so sweet watching these four cousins
spend time together...walking everywhere holding hands.

Playing at the park before the parade

Ready for the parade to start.

This little guy got a sucker to his eye...
Just someone throwing out candy and it hit him.

Thankfully a skid steer was in the parade soon
after he got hit and it quickly calmed him down.

After  the parade there were a few booths
set up.  The boys got to make a rope.