Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Apple Orchard

We have an Apple Orchard near our home
and we have been going yearly now since BIG J was little.

It just has so much to do - you can spend the entire day.
And we did! Part of the day with Grammie and Aunt Fell and Cousins.

Jumping in the corn pool

Farmer J driving the tractors

Going down the BIG slide

Feeding and watching the goats and baby animals

Playing in the 3 little pig's houses

Going on a hay ride out to the corn maze

Trying to pull a tractor or lawn mower

climbing the hay

Riding on the train

Snuggling brother on the hay rack ride

Towards the end of our day-
Coming back up the BIG hill after going down the BIG slide..
we are getting tired

BIG J pulling his tired brother in the wagon

But we were not ready to go home yet
Back to the corn pool.

Tiger Lilly jumping below

Even after Cousins, Aunt and Grammie left,
we stayed for a few more hours.  

These kids jumped in this corn pool
for over an hour and I still had to pull 
them out and tell them we needed to go

The Corn Pool had a new addition this year-
a slide!  All the more fun.

Before we left we stopped in the store and
shared a few caramel apples!

It was such a fun day.
We had beautiful weather, no melt downs
and lots of fun together!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Dad's Lego Creation

The kids came up with a fun game to play with dad.
They each pick a certain number of random Lego's, 
give them to dad and give him a time limit to build 
some creation.  

His first was this...what he called
"The Funmobile!"

They did this several times and of course
each time dad had some new creation and some
story to go along with it.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Art Project

We were painting a picture with a bridge, 
using our fingers and hands to paint with.

Of course these kiddos enjoyed the messy hands

This guy did also

This girl really took her time and made a nice picture

Monday, October 22, 2018

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Can We Keep it?

What did they catch?

A snake...

Of course they wanted to keep it as a pet, 
but after a little while, we let him go.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Friday Fancy E

Whoops, I forgot to add what Fancy E was up to on our Friday - learning calligraphy. 
 To right along with her name, she wants to dress fancy,
 act fancy, and even write fancy.  
So, she is teaching herself to write calligraphy.

Friday, October 12, 2018


It is neat to see what each of the children are drawn to when they have free time. 
 This particular Friday we had a few kids kind of under the weather, so it was more laid back and here is what activities they each choose.

Mrs. Creator made an airplane out of Lego's for her younger brother...

Then she had a new engineer book from the library and made
these "blowers" (not sure what they were called)
for her younger brothers.  She is always so sweet
to make things for these two boys.  They adore her.

This guy is all about drawing!
He drew this monster...

Open it up and...

And another monster later in the day

Besides playing with his sisters and brother,
looking at excavator books for this boy!

And the computer for Big J.
He was working on a Creation Crate
he gets in the mail once a month
and then below he is working on putting 
together our Blurb Book for 2018
(a digital book of our photos).
This saves me SO much time allowing him to do it for me.

It was a nice, cloudy, cold, relaxing overall Friday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Saturday, October 6, 2018


Back in September we went to the Zoo with Grammie and Aunt K
 and cousins while Big J and Dad were in Michigan for a football game.