Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Special Ornaments

Every year the children get a new ornament that 
has some special meaning to go with the past year.

Opening his ornament...

His ornament was a dump truck.
This little boy still LOVES construction vehicles
and talks about them all the time.  His favorite is still an 
excavator, but since he got an excavator ornament last year,
I went with a different construction vehicle this year.

This guy had quite a hard time understanding that it is not 
Christmas yet.  There might have been some tears.  The next month
might be a little hard on him.

Next up - Farmer J

An artist palette for this guy.
He loves to draw and color and paint. 
He has turned into quite the artist like his big sister.

Tiger Lilly 

Her ornament was a piano since
she started piano this year and plus
she loves to sing and any thing musical.
So now we get to listen to her play the
piano and sing along!

Fancy E

Her ornament was a unicorn - kind of random, 
but I found a way to relate it to her past year.
She has had to deal with a lot medically - which 
has given her many opportunities to pray and trust in the Lord.
So the unicorn is meant to be a reminder that although fantasy is fun,
it is Truth (Jesus) we must cling to and look to for strength and comfort.

And Big J

A lawn mower ornament. 
This was the first year that he 100% took 
on the responsibility for mowing our yard and as it 
turn out, he also got to mow our neighbors as well.
It has given him the opportunity to show more

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Setting Up the Tree

So much excitement in setting up the tree and despite the rough start - 
our first tree ended up unusable, then the first tree we purchased at Menards did not work 
(prelit lights), so finally after a second trip to Mendards in two hours on the busiest shopping 
weekend of the year, we had a tree up.

Putting the ornaments up

All of the child have special ornaments that are just theirs - so 
very excited to open their boxes and see their ornaments again 
plus open a new one for this year.

Finally after the tree is complete
(and mom has taken all the pictures she wants)
we get to eat in front of the tree and watch a movie.

Another nice day!

Monday, November 26, 2018

Another Sick One

The day after Thanksgiving, Tiger Lilly wasn't feeling well.  
At one point she fell asleep on our sofa cuddle up with her Ape that she loves so much!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving

Due to most family being out of town and as it turned
 out a sick child the morning of Thanksgiving, 
we spent the day at home just our family.  

The day before we made Pumpkin pie

And apple pie

The girls decorated our dining room for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving morning the girls and I made a big meal together.

Thankfully the child who woke up sick (Excavator J), 
was fine by lunch time and was able to eat with us.

We had a real nice day at home together.
So many reasons to be THANKFUL to our Lord and Savior!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

School with Farmer J

Sometimes this guy sits very still during school.  
This particular day, he was all over.  
We got it done, but there was a lot of movement.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

New Glasses

This guy had to get glasses...only for reading, writing and computer time.  
But he was still quite excited to get glasses like his older brother.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Beggars Night

The four youngest dressed up.
We had a Fancy Girl, a Gorilla, a Leopard and a Clown

Our first stop was the nursing home
where we visit once a month.

Farmer J usually plays games with this sweet lady when we visit,
so he was happy to see her when we stopped in.

Next stop - heading over to Grammie's...
but had to sneak a bag of candy on the way over.

Grammie's House

Of course we stopped in and visited for a little bit.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Another One

This must be our year for finding snakes.
We had another up by our garage and of course 
the kids had to catch it using a rake.

They enjoyed looking at it for awhile and
then we let it go

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Saturday, November 3, 2018