Thursday, January 24, 2019

More Outside Fun

After we got our first snow,
these kids (especially Fancy E) 
wanting to be out it in nonstop.

So recess one day....

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Big J and both girls are playing basketball this winter.
Thankfully the girls are on the same team - which helps 
in not making our schedule too crazy. 
Dad coaches both teams - so that is always a blessing.

Tiger Lily below in the black head band.

Watching the game with mom

Tiger Lily dribbling the ball down the court

Another buddy to watch the game with

Fancy E out there in the greenish blue shorts.

I still need to get a picture of BIG J at one of his games.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


We finally got some snow. 
Dad had to go out early and plow the
driveway so we could get to an early basketball game.

These two could NOT wait to get outside in it.
They were still in their pajamas and outside
before their other siblings were even up for the day.

Later that day all the kids went out
with dad!

Throwing snow balls at daddy is so much fun.

Picture out our back beautiful

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Date Night with a Handsome Young Man

Farmer J and I had a date night.
I LOVE ice cream and haven't had any in a while-
it didn't take long to convince him that we should go get some.

He was so sweet and funny this evening -
He obviously was quite excited about the treat.

Love this guy!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Snowman Craft

The little boys made snowmen for school craft time.

Excavator Man had his cousin's
help this morning as she was over.

Friday, January 18, 2019

After Nap

This guy needed a little extra
time to wake up after his nap the other day.
I found him like this on our stairs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Christmas Program at GiGi's

Every year around Christmas Nathan's family puts on a small Christmas program at his Grandma's - for her and the other residents who live in her building.  All the cousins (18 of them 11 years old and younger) dress up and put on the nativity skit.

The cousins in the skit

We were the proud parents of 
the front of the camel (Tiger Lilly)

A shepherd

A cow

An Angel

And Big J was the narrator.

These two are so sweet together...
Excavator Man loves this little cousin

He also loves and has so much 
fun with this cousin


All the great grandkids with GiGi

Add in Grandpa and Grandma and grandkids

This is one lively crew!
Always so much fun when we are all together.