Sunday, March 31, 2019

So Much Love

Being 37 weeks pregnant now,
resting in the afternoons, even for a short time,
is quite helpful for this mamma.

But these kiddos know when my time is up
and they quickly come find me.

I shared this with a friend, and commented on how
much I am loved...but she actually asked the true question:
Were they asking for food?

And the answer was YES!  
Their stomachs know when afternoon snack time comes
around.  But I like to think they love me too!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sick Little Lady

Tiger Lilly got a bug and it took her out for three solid days
and even after that, it seemed to take a few more days to get her
strength and appetite back.

We are praising God and thanking him, that we are now
over a week out and no one else gotten it.  
Praying this continues and we can move into spring healthy.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Got To Love Spring

With spring, comes lots of MUD!!

And if there is mud and water, you
can be sure most of our children will find it.

Thursday, March 21, 2019


I missed this picture back in February. 
 The girls received special flowers from their Valentine- their daddy!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Getting Bigger

These pictures below were at 35 weeks...

So exciting to think we will have another little
one in our home very soon...

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Big J has taken interest in playing the drums.  So, we got a drum set for Christmas for the family - but mainly right now he is the only one using it.  I guess I should get a picture of him actually playing the drums...but for now he made me smile as he was carrying his drum sticks with him wherever he went and using them to play a song on whatever he could.

Listening to his history lesson while drumming away

Monday, March 18, 2019

Scooter Time

Oh the JOY that it brings when spring weather hits and we are able to get outside.  It may be wet, it might be muddy and it might still be a little chilly, but once we can break out the scooters and the bikes and get back outside for longer periods of time without piles of snow gear on - we are IN!  More outside time is such a delight for this mamma!

Two little boys loving being on their scooters

And enjoying going through all the puddles

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Pool Time

We are blessed to have a membership at a local gym,
which gives us an opportunity to go swimming.

This time I was able to sit on the side since
Grandma came along.

Being 35 weeks pregnant, it is harder and harder for me
to do a lot active.  So Grandma is MUCH more fun
in the pool than me right.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Sewing Class

Fancy E decided she really really wants to learn to sew.
She has huge ambitions and is a determined little lady.
Thankfully we found a local craft store that gives classes.
Her and I took the first class together.

She is using the sewing machine that I received 15 years ago
for a wedding present.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Girls Last Basketball Game

Tiger Lilly dribbling down the court with Fancy E running in front of her.

Fancy E coming down the court.

Girls with their coach - daddy!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Time with Family

With GiGi passing, we had family it town, which
meant special cousins to play with.

I think I have mentioned how much Excavator Man
loves this little cousin of his.

And at the funeral, we got to see other Great Grandparents

Visiting Great Grandpa at the nursing home.

Farmer J makes quick friends with most everyone.

We traveled an hour and a half for the funeral and were
gone most the day.  So it only took minutes for us to 
be on the road to have two boys asleep.

We were so blessed to have GiGi living
close to us for years.  Our children have such special
memories with her and visiting her.  
She will be dearly missed.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Special Memory

The end of February brought some sadness as 
Nathan's Grandma - the kids GiGi - passed away at age 92.

GiGi was a Hawkeye fan and since
we are Wolverine fans, 
we had a friendly rivalry between her and our family - which
led to us trying to sneak Michigan decor into her apartment and
her having Grandma put Hawkeye items in our home.

However, it wasn't until after she passed that Grandma showed us
that GiGi made sure to have the last laugh.  She had stuck a 
Hawkeye sticker inside the piano she had bought for our family.

Not sure if you can see, but Big J is smiling above the
stickers.  Kind of a sweet memory to take with us.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Girl and Her Baby

Tiger Lilly and her baby were "bird watching"

This doll was actually my Raggedy Ann when I was younger.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Art Time


The kids went sledding with 
Grammie and cousins.
(I was along taking pictures)

My mom has the toboggan her parents bought 
when she was younger.  The kids had a blast
sledding on it.