Monday, January 20, 2020

Sunday, January 19, 2020

First Food

This girl was quite excited to have a taste of her first food.


Saturday, January 18, 2020

Card Player

All our children enjoy playing cards - both Nathan and I grew up
playing cards - so we teach our children young.  But this boy, he LOVES
playing cards and you often find him around our house sitting playing
just like this.  

Saturday mornings are card playing mornings in our home - 
at least for dad and the kids.  One by one they come down the stairs and as
dad is drinking his morning coffee, they play games with him.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Little Girl Wants In

Baby Girl loves to get around in her walker 
and she is starting to observe that her siblings are in 
different rooms and she wants to be with them.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Love her Monkeny

Thinking of crawling..but nope, not yet

Clapping..yes, she loves to clap

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Big Sister's Ideas

Fancy E always has some fun way entertain her baby sister.
Why not put her in her doll car?

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Christmas Day with Family

Special gift for Grammie

Grammie with all the grandkids close by

Special gift for Aunt that she made

Exciting opening gifts with cousins

This little lady received a stuffed animal monkey from Grammie
and she LOVES him. It was sweet watching her reaction.

Loves her Auntie

Monday, January 13, 2020

Christmas Eve/Day

Always a picture before opening a gift.

Christmas morning...
(notice it is still dark outside...they were all up early
and ready to go)

Boys playing with their new Lego's together

It was so gorgeous outside that we
had to take a Christmas day walk

Baby girl happy to be outside

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Christmas Program

Although Nathan's Grandma passed away this past February, 
we had made wonderful friends at her apartment building, so we
came back this Christmas with Nathan's sisters family and were
able to put on the nativity skit and sings songs again this year.
Such a blessing



A wise man


The entire cast:

Baby girl was Baby Jesus 
(all dressed up in her purple dress)

Big J was the narrator

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Few More Christmas Pics

And fun...notice baby sister pulling Big sisters hair below...

and SO SO SO much love for this little girl