Saturday, August 29, 2020

Salt Painting

For art one day we did salt painting.
Kind of messy, so glad we could be outside.


Friday, August 28, 2020


Although baseball season  was pushed back because of Covid-,
Jakin was blessed to get on a team in a near by town and able to play
in July and August.


Thursday, August 27, 2020


The girls are playing softball this fall.

This young lady loved the idea of wearing her fancy
shoes with her new uniform.  

The girls are blessed to have their dad coaching again this year.
And they just can't stop smiling that their dad has to wear pink
and these pink socks!


Nature Walk

For school we sometimes have nature walks and activities.
This particular morning the kids had partners and had to make
a person out of nature items.

Then they each had a to make a vehicle out of nature items.

This guy made an excavator

His was an army tank

Do you see her car driving on the road?

She mad a monster truck jumping over another truck...see picture below for closer picture


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lots of Clean Up after Storm

These pictures really don't do justice to the amount of 
debris, limbs, sticks, leaves we had down in our yard
after the storm that came through on Monday, August 10

But after the storm passed and the sun came out, 
together as a family and with neighbors, 
we worked to clean up our yard and drive way.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Happy Birthday Daddy

This lady made sure that her Dad's birthday was special
 by making him his favorite cake - Angel food cake and decorating the dining
room for him and making him a special birthday present.

I love the excitement on these children faces as they give their dad
the cards they made for him. This guy could not stop jumping up and down with
excitement as he waited for his dad to open his card.

So much love for this guy!

Friday, August 21, 2020

Random pics

With school starting on the 3rd of August, we finally made it back
into the library - with our masks on of course.

Love this pic of baby girl sitting down next to BIG 
brother reading.
She sure does love this big brother

And she LOVES this big brother...and of course this
big brother tends to "read" with baby girl when he is 
"watching" her

Carrying around her baby


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Family Trip

Here are some pictures from our trip to Salt Lake City, up to Yellowstone for 3 days, back to Salt Lake City and then home.

Mini golfing

God's amazing creation!

Bison in Yellowstone

Most the kids favorite part of the trip is when we 

got into a Bison were backed up in Yellowstone because

Bison were on the road. 


the Great Salt Lake..
Beautiful, but the kids just remember how stinky it was!

Lots of hiking

Swimming at the hotel is always a highlight

After waiting for what felt like forever to these kids...but close to an hour and a half,
Old Faithful erupted...

It was a wonderful trip and we praise God for keeping
us safe and healthy, for the children traveling so well
with being in the vehicle A LOT and most of all 
for HIS amazing creation!