Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Afternoon Walk

These two have so much love for their
little sister!  We took a lot of walks in the
afternoon to the end of our road, because there 
was construction going on and since the road
was blocked off, very little traffic.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Happy Birthday Dad

Big J was at work, but these give were very
excited to give their daddy his birthday cards.


Saturday, September 11, 2021

When you eat Gluten Free and...

you find they now make Gluten Free Oreos!

She almost had my cart filled up before I
realized what she was doing! 

We brought one package home and enjoyed them.


Thursday, September 9, 2021


These two were shopping with me and gave me
these "PLEASSSSSEEEEEEE" faces for these

I don't normally give in, but
this particular day I did!


Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Pool Time Fun

high diving board -Jeriah's 'first time off

Big Sister E jumping off diving board also


Monday, September 6, 2021

More Summer Fun

Water is always fun
(I think a few of these kids might be getting
too big for these pools)

Dressing up like a princess

Playing lots of cards!
Daddy moved our picnic table to the front
and I found myself with these 3 playing
cards often this summer

A quick stop for ice cream with this guy

More parks


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Happy Birthday V-V


Birthday outing with dad

Dad helped her make her cake.

She had a lot of fun decorating!

We love you so much sweet girl!
She is now double digits and very
excited about it.
So blessed to call this lady daughter.