Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Little J

Little J was in a happy, content mode yesterday afternoon.
This allowed the three older siblings to enjoy holding him and playing with him.

First Big J started off holding his little brother.  He enjoyed sitting with him for quite some time.

Next Purple Girl wanted some time with her brother.
I don't think you can tell by the smile on her face how much she loves him!
(It was kind of funny too - Big J had held his brother for some time - then moments after he handed him to his sister, Little J spit up on Purple Girl.  I know this would have bothered Big J, but Purple Girl didn't care in the least.  She just LOVES babies)
Finally, all four kids got in on a picture:
The stillness didn't last for long though:
Big J was trying to protect his brother as the girls started to get a little excited!
Finally, it was time for mom to take Little J!

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