Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sick Kids

Sickness has hit our home.  Busy Bee was sick all last week with off and on fever, stomach aches and a cough.  After a week, she is finally doing better and back to her spunky self.  Big J was sick on Sunday - thankfully just for about a day and is back to normal.  Little J is a little congested, but otherwise is doing fine.  Purple Girl is now the one sick and really feeling down and out right now.  High fever and belly ache.  She is holding in there, but we are hoping she feels better soon.
You know that Purple Girl is not feeling well, when in the middle of the morning I see this:
Grammie is in town this week, so I am blessed to have her help.
 Busy Bee was going out with Grammie this morning while I stayed home with Purple Girl. 
Busy Bee was quite excited for her special outing.

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