Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Our sweet little Busy Bee is two years old today. 
Wow, where does the time go?
This little girl is full of spunk and keeps our
family entertained.
She can go from little Miss sweetie giving you a kiss on the cheek when you haven't even asked for it, to Miss entertainer making funny faces and getting everyone to laugh, to belting out a chorus of "Jesus Loves Me" in a matter of minutes.
She loves trying to accomplish every thing that her big brother and sister can do. 
She loves her baby dolls and talking with her little brother.  She doesn't like if Little J is crying and is quick to come get mommy to help him if he is upset.
She will carry on quite the conversation with you if you get to know her and give her the time to chat.  She is asking a lot of questions these days.
It is so sweet to here the thoughts of a now two year old.
We are so blessed to have this little girl and can't praise the Lord enough for her.  I am so thankful that Purple Girl and Busy Bee will be able to grow up together.  We pray they will be best friends!

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