Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Special Lunch with Grammie

Busy Bee enjoyed a special outing with Grammie while she was here for a visit.  
She loves getting out of the house - especially one on one.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snow Snow Snow

Oh, to be a child again and to love being outside in the cold snow!
 I love the JOY on their faces!

Red Cheeks! 

Hot Chocolate!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Mom and Kitty

This is an usual scene in our home.  

I think this day Purple Girl is Mary and Busy Bee is her kitty.

More Family Photos

I have been wanting a nice family photo for some time now. 
So what better than matching Christmas outfits in front of the Christmas tree. 
 I think we finally found a keeper!

A few other photos of the kids.  

Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas Day Afternoon

Grammie and the children!

Uncle Luke and the boys.

The children performed the Christmas program
one more time for Grammie and Uncle Luke.

Singing together - they decided on their own to hold hands. 

Rocking Baby Jesus while they sang Away in the Manger.

Enjoying her new antlers from her cousin.

Busy Bee liked her new Lady Bug bath towel.

These boys could not be MORE excited about their new Lego's.

The girls received a weaving kit  - they were excited to get started and quickly discovered it was a little too difficult for them to complete.  So these two grown ups jumped in to help and it ended up a competition to see who could complete their pot holder first.  When daddy was done, Purple Girl said "Mom, look what I made!"

The boys enjoyed an afternoon of building Lego's.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas at Grandparents

We enjoyed a fun Christmas celebration at Grandpa and Grandma's house with all the cousins.  Can you believe there are 12 children all six and under?  Big J is the oldest -with another baby due the beginning of May (Aunt Mandy is pregnant with number 2).

Here are few photos from the fun evening.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning was exciting in our home.  The kids were up early as they anticipated the day.  
The first thing we did was have a scavenger hunt to find baby Jesus to complete our nativity scene. 
As is tradition in our home, the youngest walking child gets to follow the clues to Baby Jesus.  
This left it to Busy Bee this year.

Of course Big Brother helped to read the clues for little sister.
Baby Jesus was found and nicely placed in the stable.

Then Big J had a scavenger hunt to find the final ornament to place on our tree! 
 Jesus - Name above ALL Names!

After the scavenger hunts, the children enjoyed 
opening the presents in their stockings.

There was a lot of excitement over the treats they found.

Next came a special breakfast prepared by daddy. 
 He  made egg bake, fruit smoothies and cinnamon rolls. 
 I think this is a wonderful new tradition in our home -
 Daddy makes breakfast on Christmas! 

Of course Mom takes every opportunity to take some quick photos!
Love these four so much!

Then opening more presents.

The girls received this Vet and Doctor outfits from 
their Aunt Mandi and Uncle Justin (Thanks).

Big J's big present from his daddy - full army suit! 
He loves it.

Purple Girl is all about sparkles and jewels these days!

And tinker toys for our little Busy Bee!

We have had a wonderful Christmas!
We hope your Christmas has been as blessed as ours!
Merry Christmas to you all!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

We have been blessed to have a nice, relaxing Christmas Eve at home.

Fun family game - Operation.  
Busy Bee wasn't sure about the noise it made - hence the hand over the ears.

Plenty of pictures!

Daddy made "HuHot" for dinner - very yummy!

Big J very excited for HuHot dinner - it is his favorite!

Excited to open one present on Christmas Eve!

Present was new PJ's!

And a movie to enjoy! The Jungle Book!