Friday, October 31, 2014

Daddy's Home

YEA!  Daddy is home.  It was a long week with Daddy so far away.  The children were so excited (so was mommy) to pick Daddy up this morning from the airport.  We surprised Daddy by coming into the airport to get him (instead of just staying in the vehicle and meeting him outside).

So, we sat in the chairs and waited.

Then we ran up and gave Daddy big hugs!

Busy Bee and Little J couldn't wait to be in
Daddy's arms and hold his hand.

Biker Girl

Busy Bee Loves riding this bike around.  She does a really good job and really enjoys it.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Police Station Field Trip

The kids enjoyed going on a field trip to our local police station.

A highlight was standing in a jail holding cell.

They also got to go sit in the police car.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

We enjoyed carving a pumpkin today.

Big J thought he was funny
being "pumpkin head."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Trip to MN - A little time at Grammie's

On the last part of our trip, we drove back to Grammie's to drop her off.  Before heading home we spent a few hours at Grammie's house.  The children were very excited to put together their new Lego sets.   

Monday, October 20, 2014

Trip to MN - Mall and Aquarium

The next day we headed to the Mall and enjoyed spending some time at the Aquarium.  
For school this year we are studying sea creatures.  So, we called the Aquarium ahead of time to see what the rates where.  We were surprised and blessed to find out that it was homeschool week at the aquarium, which meant a large discount on a rate and also a few extra activities for homeschool children.

The favorite part of the aquarium field trip
was walking through the tunnel with the animals 
swimming all around us.

The kids just loved this part.
It was so sweet to hear all the excitement
in their voices...even if it was quite loud at times.

Busy Bee fell IN LOVE with the stingrays.  
She could not get enough of them.

She was so certain we could take one home.
She said she would put it in our small pool outback.
And when I asked her what she would feed him,
she said she would put him in Little Brother's highchair
and feed him yogurt.  Big Sister said they eat fish, 
to which Busy Bee said that her and daddy would
go on a hike and catch some fish.

I can't believe how much this boy is
growing up.  He looks so old in pictures any more.

The aquarium field trip was a hit.

Since the mall was extremely busy,
we did not do too much else after the aquarium.
The kids all rode on one ride and then Grammie
put some money towards each of them getting
a new Lego set.  They were more than excited.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Trip to MN - Play Area

We were blessed to go on a trip to MN with Aunt K, 
both Cousin J's and Grammie. 
Little J stayed at home with daddy 
(he also got to spend some time with Aunt A and Grandparents). 
 He had a wonderful time!

The first evening in MN the children enjoyed 
playing at the play area that is connected to the hotel.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

All Ready for Winter

I thought I better pull out the winter gear
and see what items the kids have and what 
items they have out grown.

For some reason I couldn't find what Big J wore for 
the winter at 1, but thankfully Cousin J 
had an old snowsuit he wore and it looks
like it will work well for Little J.

I am not sure we will make it out too often this
winter being that I will be over 30 weeks pregnant.
But, if I know Little J and his personality, if his
siblings go out, he is SURE to want to go out too.

Friday, October 17, 2014

No More Training Wheels

Purple Girl has been working off and on this summer on riding her bike without training wheels.

In September Dad took her to a near by basketball court and she just had it.  

Thursday, October 16, 2014

More Sister Love

This Big sister was also more than pleased
to play with her little brother.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sweet Older Sister

Little J has two amazing big sisters.  They just love him so much and are always there to take care of him.  This little lady was more than pleased to sit and read with her little brother while I was making lunch one morning.

It was so sweet.  I later looked over and they were "singing" together, rocking in the 
chair, leaning their heads together. I wish I could have gotten a picture, it was adorable!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Trip to Nebraska - The Swings

The swings Uncle put up are a highlight 
now when we visit.

Even daddy enjoyed seeing how 
high he could get.

Little J pointing at the excitement of the day.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Trip to Nebraska - The View

Sorry this picture is side ways, 
I can't figure out how to turn it.

But you get the idea and how very gorgeous it is!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Trip to Nebraska - Rides

One of the highlights is going for rides around the land on the
 tractor, ranger, or four wheeler when we visit.

This little lady loved sitting on her daddy's lap and helping drive.  

We can still all fit on one ranger.

Purple Girl is all about speed and having
her daddy take her for a "fast" ride! 
She sure loves the farm life!

Little J loved going for a ride on the tractor with his daddy.
He is gripping in one hand his ball.  
He is all about balls these days and just
wants to carry one with him everywhere he goes.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Trip to Nebraska -Helping Out

The men were able to help out around the farm a little while we visited.

This little boy would have helped
out if he could have.
He did enjoy playing in the dirt!