Monday, October 20, 2014

Trip to MN - Mall and Aquarium

The next day we headed to the Mall and enjoyed spending some time at the Aquarium.  
For school this year we are studying sea creatures.  So, we called the Aquarium ahead of time to see what the rates where.  We were surprised and blessed to find out that it was homeschool week at the aquarium, which meant a large discount on a rate and also a few extra activities for homeschool children.

The favorite part of the aquarium field trip
was walking through the tunnel with the animals 
swimming all around us.

The kids just loved this part.
It was so sweet to hear all the excitement
in their voices...even if it was quite loud at times.

Busy Bee fell IN LOVE with the stingrays.  
She could not get enough of them.

She was so certain we could take one home.
She said she would put it in our small pool outback.
And when I asked her what she would feed him,
she said she would put him in Little Brother's highchair
and feed him yogurt.  Big Sister said they eat fish, 
to which Busy Bee said that her and daddy would
go on a hike and catch some fish.

I can't believe how much this boy is
growing up.  He looks so old in pictures any more.

The aquarium field trip was a hit.

Since the mall was extremely busy,
we did not do too much else after the aquarium.
The kids all rode on one ride and then Grammie
put some money towards each of them getting
a new Lego set.  They were more than excited.

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