Saturday, February 28, 2015


Big Sister Purple Girl was so sweet to read a
story to her baby brother.  

Friday, February 27, 2015


During the first week home with baby J, Grammie was in town (such a blessing).  So, Grammie and Aunt Fell took the younger kids to a local gym to play.  They had a lot of fun.

Four J's

The boys...Big J, Cousin J, Little J and Baby J!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I am sure this is the first of many photos that will be 
taken of baby brother to show he has sisters.

They love taking care of him.


We were blessed to have Grammie come stay with us for a week after the baby was born.
  It truly was a blessing to have my mom here to help.  

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Folding Hands

Purple Girl was so excited that her little brother was folding 
his hands.  She had to make sure I got a picture.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

And then there were....


Big J always reminds us that we have six
precious little ones!  Although we say we have five,
we haven't forgotten the little one we had and the Lord 
took early in my pregnancy between Big J and Purple Girl.
That precious baby impacted our lives in more ways than you
can imagine from drawing us closer to the Lord to making us
truly realize the blessing that children are.  Although his or her life
was short lived in our worldly view, we know that the Lord
had an amazing purpose for him or her and we thank HIM 
for allowing us to be the parents to that precious baby as well.

So, our FIVE are pictured above plus one we are yet to meet.

SIX it truly is!

We love them all dearly!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Lots of Love

As you can imagine our baby boy came home to LOTS of love!!!!

BIG Brother:  Very, very excited to have another little brother.  He also was excited that he had won the baby pool.  Although he guessed February 9th, he was the closest on the two other guesses – weight and gender.  He of course guessed boy and guessed the weight of 9 lbs 9 oz.  I never thought he would have the closest weight. 

Big Brother Number 2:  In his sweet little voice keeps saying “hi baby, hi baby.”  He will also often ask “I hold it?” and then will try to pull him out of my arms.  He loves sitting in my lap and holding him.  Of course he pointed out his eyes, nose, and mouth.  If you ask him whose baby he is, he will "MY BABY!"  If baby is sleeping, he will ask "wake baby?"  However, the minute baby makes a noise, he will say "Loud go to sleep!"  He loves him very much.

Big Sister Number One:  Super excited to have another baby to bring home.  She was all smiles and excited.  She at one point said “Mom, I just Love him SO much!!  I know I am going to give him LOTS of tickles.”  She loves holding him and giving him plenty of kisses.  In the baby pool she had the closest date - she guessed February 17th (a week overdue).

Big Sister Number Two:  She might have been the MOST excited to come see her new sibling at the hospital.  She just could not wait to get her hands on him.  She wanted to hold him and see every part of him.  She wanted to see his feet, his belly, his hands, his hair.  She has been quite gentle with him and just wants to hold him.  She can't wait to be a mom and have her very own baby.

Of course baby also came home to lots of love from mom and dad!
Our house is full of excitement right now and full of JOY as we 
welcome this new little one.  It will take some time to get into a new routine 
as a family of 7 I am I (mom) am praying for patience, for strength,
and for help from the Lord!

We are blessed!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Announcing New Baby

Our new baby boy was born on February 16.  
He was six days overdue and worth every second of the wait.

He was born at 2:13am
Weighed 9 lbs 7 oz
and was 20.5 inches long.

We can't praise God enough for the 
healthy pregnancy, quick and safe labor and delivery,
and for our baby boy!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Two Little Wolves

I often two little wolves howling and crawling around my home!

These two have so much fun together. 
Have I mentioned they are best buds??!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Sweet Big Sister

This particular morning Little J was having an off day and just had more tears than normal.  He has hard time when he can't participate in the older children activities.  Busy Bee was the sweetest and found a way to stop his tears and make him happy.  Often when Little J cries, she will start singing "Jesus Loves Me."  It normally does calm him down . She next shared all her toys with him and then pulled him around on this blanket.  It is not uncommon to see him giving her a hug throughout the day.  She is such a gentle, sweet sister to him!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Disney Live

For Christmas Grandma purchased the girls and I tickets to a Disney show downtown.  I wasn't sure if I would make it with the show so close to my due date, but I did.  

Grandma also got tickets for the other girl cousins.
So, it was a fun girl outing.

Busy Bee enjoying some snuggle time with Grandma during the show.

Thanks Grandma for such a fun gift idea.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Buddy

I just love this little guy so much!
Big J was doing some school,
the girls were playing together in their room,
so that left Little J and I to have some fun together.

Fun for Little J involved me crawling on the
floor after him, tickling him,
and letting him "bonk" his head into me.
He also enjoys driving his vehicles up and down
my arms or on my belly making his "beep beep" noises.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fun Winter Activity

This past weekend we went downtown and walked through the Skywalk.
We enjoy doing this in the winter, as it is a great way to let the children
run and release some energy.

Little J enjoyed watching the cars pass below and
also loved watching the BIG truck down the road.

On the weekends the Skywalk is basically empty.
We usually stop at the middle area where restaurants are open
during the week, but closed on the weekends. 
So we went to the bottom floor and the kids
loved running around.

Daddy of course joined in their fun, 
which the kids greatly enjoy.

We packed a sack lunch with some special treats
and enjoyed eating before we walked back to our vehicle.
It was a nice morning and everyone napped good that afternoon
(even mom!!)

Monday, February 9, 2015

39 Weeks 3 Days

I am quite certain I am the biggest I have ever been
and feeling that way too.
This picture was taken when I was 39 weeks 3 days.
My due date is February 10th and it is looking like I am 
going to make it until then and probably longer.

Besides feeling big and tired at times,
I am doing well overall and so thankful to the Lord
that this pregnancy has gone so well.

We are very excited to meet this little one.
Can't be too much longer....I hope :) 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

More Fun in Snow

It was a perfect day for the children to play in the snow.
Almost 50 degrees and sunny - so Daddy took them all out.
They built this fort and then had a snowball fight with daddy.
Purple Girl said that Daddy won because he kept catching their
snowballs and throwing them back at the kids.

They built a snowman too and had a nice time.

Thursday, February 5, 2015


The children were more than excited that we received snow this past weekend.
They have been waiting all winter to go sledding, so daddy took them out.
This is the only picture I got because with all the snow, and being almost 39 weeks
pregnant, I did not venture out.  So, this picture was taken from inside.
Busy Bee was outside with them too, but didn't last long,
as it was quite windy and the snow a little too deep for her.

Poor Little J had to stay in with mom.  He was, needless to say,
not happy that he didn't get to go out.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Never Enough Room...

I am blessed to have a few different rocking chairs in rooms in our home.  One of which is in our bedroom where I enjoy having my quiet times in the Word in the mornings.  Daddy usually wakes the children and feeds them breakfast, so I can have this time.  I am very blessed.

However, I often find myself surrounded by a lot of love in the mornings before Daddy gets home from working out.  One by one they often find their way into my room and onto my lap.  I have discovered that my chairs are just not big enough!!

Little J was down the hall in his bedroom yelling "Mommy, Mommy...."

One word:  Blessed!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dress Up

Someone always seems to be dressed up in our home.

Of course the older kids love trying to put dress up 
clothes on this little guy.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Our Little J is ALL about playing with balls.  He just loves shooting hoops.  I wish I could play the way he says "hoop" for you all, because it is so cute.  He constantly wants to shoot with his brother or daddy or any one who will.  Even if the hoop is too high and he can't make it, he will try over and over again.