Saturday, February 21, 2015

Lots of Love

As you can imagine our baby boy came home to LOTS of love!!!!

BIG Brother:  Very, very excited to have another little brother.  He also was excited that he had won the baby pool.  Although he guessed February 9th, he was the closest on the two other guesses – weight and gender.  He of course guessed boy and guessed the weight of 9 lbs 9 oz.  I never thought he would have the closest weight. 

Big Brother Number 2:  In his sweet little voice keeps saying “hi baby, hi baby.”  He will also often ask “I hold it?” and then will try to pull him out of my arms.  He loves sitting in my lap and holding him.  Of course he pointed out his eyes, nose, and mouth.  If you ask him whose baby he is, he will "MY BABY!"  If baby is sleeping, he will ask "wake baby?"  However, the minute baby makes a noise, he will say "Loud go to sleep!"  He loves him very much.

Big Sister Number One:  Super excited to have another baby to bring home.  She was all smiles and excited.  She at one point said “Mom, I just Love him SO much!!  I know I am going to give him LOTS of tickles.”  She loves holding him and giving him plenty of kisses.  In the baby pool she had the closest date - she guessed February 17th (a week overdue).

Big Sister Number Two:  She might have been the MOST excited to come see her new sibling at the hospital.  She just could not wait to get her hands on him.  She wanted to hold him and see every part of him.  She wanted to see his feet, his belly, his hands, his hair.  She has been quite gentle with him and just wants to hold him.  She can't wait to be a mom and have her very own baby.

Of course baby also came home to lots of love from mom and dad!
Our house is full of excitement right now and full of JOY as we 
welcome this new little one.  It will take some time to get into a new routine 
as a family of 7 I am I (mom) am praying for patience, for strength,
and for help from the Lord!

We are blessed!

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