Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I Working

Little J wants to be just like his daddy.

So, he told me "I working mom, I working!"

Monday, March 30, 2015

Outside Work

What is he looking at?

Daddy had to cut down a tree in our yard that had died.

Of course he had many helpers!

After Big J and Daddy were done chopping it 
down, Purple Girl wanted to hold the chain saw.

Of course Little J wanted a turn too-
He was upset because Daddy would not 
turn it on for him to hold.

Little J did get to help picking up the sticks and
carrying them to the backyard.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

More Fun

For Big J's birthday mom and dad were able to 
take him out (Baby J came with us too).
Aunt Book was happy to watch the other three for us 
so we could have this special afternoon with the Birthday Boy!

We first went miniature golfing -  indoors.

Then Dad and Big J went go karting as I watched and cheered them on.

Finally we went out for dinner!

It was a special afternoon and 
I do believe we all had a nice time.

Thanks Aunt Book for watching the kiddos!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Fun Day

Happy 8 years!!

Here is the bookworm creation.
The bread is the book with gummy worms
sticking out.

New books for the bookworm!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Eight Years Old

How did it happen?  I know every mom will tell you that the years do fly by - they certainly were not lying.  Our oldest turns EIGHT years old today!  I still remember the moment I found out we were pregnant with him, the excitement on Daddy's face when we found out we were having a boy, and the amazing JOY when he was born to us!  We are so thankful for this child and praise our Lord for blessing us with him.

Since below is the normal way we see this boy 
throughout the day, 

we choose Mr. Bookworm for his birthday theme this year!

I make the children birthday posters every year,
so here is Big J's this year.  You probably can't read it,
but next to the picture under Mr. Bookworm is a little
sign that says "Silence Please."  With all the noise around
here, Big J thought that was funny.

Big J is amazing big brother to his now four younger siblings. 
Although he does often have his head in a book when he is not
doing school, he also takes time to play with his siblings.  From helping them
build with their Lego's, to building forts, swinging with them, 
and helping them use their imaginations to go to far away lands together -
He is a fun big brother to play with.

Of course, his love for books has also encouraged the other siblings in their reading.
Since they want to be like their big brother, I will often find
one of them sitting next to him reading.

His new love is learning how to play chess.  He has attempted
to teach Purple Girl to play as well - as he so wants 
a play mate to play the game with.  Daddy can play - but since he
works during the way, Big J would like someone who can play more often.

Just two nights ago, Big J went
into our school room and came out with the below.
(I asked him if I could share this and he said yes).

I don't know what prompted him to write this, but it makes
me think of this verse:

Yes,” replied Jesus, “have you never read,
“‘From the lips of children and infants
    you, Lord, have called forth your praise’?” Matthew 21:16

If you can't read what it says, he wrote:

We all know that Jesus is God.
But how can we know for sure?
The Bible tells us Jesus died on the cross to 
save us.  Do not obey Satan.  He is the Father
of lies and has come to steal, kill and destroy.  Read the Bible 
every day and ask Jesus for forgiveness and repent
of your sins.  Pray every day.  Do not disobey him.  Obey him and
instead love him with all your heart, soul and mind.
Love God.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

New Swing

Aunt Book blessed us with borrowing their baby swing.  
Our past children have really not like the swing, but so far
Baby J will sit contently in it at times 
(which is a huge blessing).

This sweet little lady - Purple Girl -  is always 
wanting to take care of her younger siblings.  
Whenever I put Baby J in his new swing,
she turns the music on and starts dancing for him.
She stays close to the swing because she wants to make
sure he can see her.  She will dance and dance and dance...
and then let's me know that she is keeping him happy.

She is such a mom and has every desire
to take care of her siblings.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thumb Sucker

This little guy came out sucking his fingers/thumb and
every now and then I have caught him sucking his thumb again.
He doesn't really like the pacifier, so we will see if the thumb
sucking sticks.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cousins House

Aunt Fell watched the two younger boys
while I got to take the 3 oldest to the library.
I think she enjoyed some snuggle time with Baby J.

When we got back, we played 
with the cousins for a little bit.
The girls enjoyed some dress up time.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Two Wheels

If you remember back at the end of September
this little lady took off on her bike without training wheels.

She didn't have much time to practice before winter hit.  
So, she couldn't wait to ride her bike this spring.

It only took her one afternoon at the park with daddy and
she took right off again.
Now every day she wants to practice.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Nap time Photo

Little J was looking at books in his crib before nap time.
He must have gotten tired while waiting for me...
although I am not sure this was comfortable.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Like the Big Kids

This Little guy wants to do EVERYTHING 
his big siblings are doing.  
That includes swinging in a BIG swing.

He just kept asking over and over again
"Push Me High Mom, HIGH mom!"

We have LOVED being able to get outside!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Going for a walk

I took the kids for a walk the other day -
it has been SO nice out.

Little J has to carry this ball with him whenever
we go on a walk.  

These two had fun on their scooters.

Monday, March 16, 2015


Our Baby is one month old today.  It is crazy how fast the time goes.  

Here is our sweet baby boy.

Here is an "almost a smile" picture.  

This is a "what are my crazy siblings doing over there" look.

Mr. Serious picture.

Close up!!

What were the other siblings doing?  
Once I told Little J several times he
could not get on the bed while I was taking
pictures, he finally headed over to the window.
(He likes looking out at the neighbors's basketball hoop)

I finally allowed them on the bed and they
all wanted pictures next to Baby  J.

The Boys!

Mrs. Mom then offered to rock Baby J for me
as he was starting to get upset, so she was saying
very sweetly to him "sh sh sh"

We are so very thankful for all of these fun
kiddos.  We are praising the Lord for a sweet 
month with Baby J.  Overall he is a good baby.

I (mom) receive lots of snuggles with him,
as he prefers to be held and rocked to sleep.
I don't mind - the more time I get to hold him,
the better.