Monday, March 16, 2015


Our Baby is one month old today.  It is crazy how fast the time goes.  

Here is our sweet baby boy.

Here is an "almost a smile" picture.  

This is a "what are my crazy siblings doing over there" look.

Mr. Serious picture.

Close up!!

What were the other siblings doing?  
Once I told Little J several times he
could not get on the bed while I was taking
pictures, he finally headed over to the window.
(He likes looking out at the neighbors's basketball hoop)

I finally allowed them on the bed and they
all wanted pictures next to Baby  J.

The Boys!

Mrs. Mom then offered to rock Baby J for me
as he was starting to get upset, so she was saying
very sweetly to him "sh sh sh"

We are so very thankful for all of these fun
kiddos.  We are praising the Lord for a sweet 
month with Baby J.  Overall he is a good baby.

I (mom) receive lots of snuggles with him,
as he prefers to be held and rocked to sleep.
I don't mind - the more time I get to hold him,
the better.

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