Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Little Feet

Can you guess whose cute feet these are??

And all muddy too!!

My silly little man who is all
giggles and laughs
(most of the time...we are two...so you know we have 
other moments too!)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Afternoon at Lake

We took the kids to the nearby lake to throw some rocks and walk along the shore.  

Hiking down to the lake.

Heading back up to the vehicle.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


The next morning after we went and looked at the
trucks, Little J asked me at breakfast
"PLEASE mom, can we go see my digger again, PLEASE!"
(This is his please face above)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Look at That

Have I mentioned this little boy LOVES trucks.
The other afternoon I took him to a construction site 
so he could watch.  He didn't move....he loved watching.

Tea Party

Purple Girl put together a tea party, special lunch for all the kids the other day.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

What We Put in our Strollers

It is sweet to see what each child puts in their strollers.
This little lady is all about animals, so her stroller is
often filled with her stuffed animals.
She does love her baby's too.

If I had a picture of Purple Girl, her stroller might have a stuffed
animal or two, but would mainly be filled with her six baby dolls. 
She LOVES babies!

And don't forget about Little Brother.
His stroller is filled up of tractors, cars, trucks, and trains.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Truck Books

Little J loves, loves, loves his truck and tractor books.
He is so sweet as he carries them around the house with him.

Love this little boy so much!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Little J loved going down the slide with his Aunt Fell!  
She said he giggled the whole way down.  He loves the water.

Monday, June 22, 2015


A normal Monday morning, no where to go, 
but this Little Lady was all dressed up!
She loves to look "fancy"

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Saturday, June 20, 2015


I took Big J to a book sale with me the other day and he
could not have been more delighted and thankful when he 
saw my purchases.

Have we mentioned this kid loves to read??

Garage Sale

                I enjoy going to garage sales every now and then.  I have made some crummy purchases, but I also have those purchases that have been successful.  For example, when Big J was probably only 3 years old I found a scooter at a garage sale for 50 cents!  It was a little cracked and looked like it would not last long.  However, it has lasted through Big J and Purple Girl, and now Busy Bee is enjoying it.  It may have a few more cracks, but it still rides good and 
 the kids have really enjoyed it.

Below is another purchase that was worth every cent.  This Tiger costume!!  It started with BIG J - yup, that is Big J around 2 years old loving this costume.  As you can see, he wanted to wear it every where and would run around the yard in it.               

I think it might have skipped Purple Girl - she has just always been a lady on a mission to be Fancy!

But Busy Bee is still enjoying this costume at almost four years old.  The other evening we went to Cousin J's tea party in which all the girls were suppose to wear their pretty dresses and it took all my effort to convince Busy Bee she could not wear this Tiger costume to the party.

And now Little J - he is roaring below like a tiger.

We will see if Baby J will get his "paws" on this costume and enjoy it as much as his older three siblings have and still are.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Shopping with Grammie

Purple Girl had a recent outing with Grammie 
and came home with this fancy dress!!
She loved that it has a cape.

Roll Over

This little guy had his first official
roll over today from back to belly.

once he rolled over, he really wasn't sure he wanted to.


Thursday, June 18, 2015


I love these two ladies!!
I feel so blessed to have two 
daughters who truly love one
another and love playing together.

It is funny how they are complete opposites in some ways...
hence the picture below...one girl loves being bright and colorful,
while the other lady would dress in black every day if I let her.

However, they both love their princess dresses, their baby dolls, 
and taking care of their baby brothers!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Shopping with Grammie

Shopping with Grammie ended with this dress!!

Four Months

Our baby boy is Four Months OLD!

Words that describe this little guy:

His siblings are enjoying ways to get him
to laugh and they always love when he shares
a smile with them.

He still enjoys sucking on his hand or fingers.

Baby J is growing and changing so much day by day.
We are really enjoying having another baby in our home.
Once again, we praise the Lord and thank HIM for the 
blessing that Baby J already is in our family.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Nothing But Love...

I do believe our Baby J has won all our hearts - he is such a sweety.

But this lady is certainly has nothing but LOVE for her baby brother.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Living History Farms

We recently made our first trip to Living History Farms as a family with some friends.


Monday, June 8, 2015


Purple Girl can be a really good teacher to her younger siblings.  This particular day she was teaching Little J how to help her take the grapes off the stem.  He was a good student this day and she was a wonderful teacher.