Saturday, June 20, 2015

Garage Sale

                I enjoy going to garage sales every now and then.  I have made some crummy purchases, but I also have those purchases that have been successful.  For example, when Big J was probably only 3 years old I found a scooter at a garage sale for 50 cents!  It was a little cracked and looked like it would not last long.  However, it has lasted through Big J and Purple Girl, and now Busy Bee is enjoying it.  It may have a few more cracks, but it still rides good and 
 the kids have really enjoyed it.

Below is another purchase that was worth every cent.  This Tiger costume!!  It started with BIG J - yup, that is Big J around 2 years old loving this costume.  As you can see, he wanted to wear it every where and would run around the yard in it.               

I think it might have skipped Purple Girl - she has just always been a lady on a mission to be Fancy!

But Busy Bee is still enjoying this costume at almost four years old.  The other evening we went to Cousin J's tea party in which all the girls were suppose to wear their pretty dresses and it took all my effort to convince Busy Bee she could not wear this Tiger costume to the party.

And now Little J - he is roaring below like a tiger.

We will see if Baby J will get his "paws" on this costume and enjoy it as much as his older three siblings have and still are.

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