Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cousin Birthday Party

We went to a cousin's birthday party and 
they had face painting. 

The kids had so much fun!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

New Park

I read about this park on a friend's blog and it 
looked like a lot of fun.  So over Labor Day weekend
we went with Grammie and cousins.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Little Shopper

Little J helped me shop the other day.  He was so sweet following me with his little cart.  He then handed all of his groceries to the store clerk and was telling her about all the items he was purchasing.

He is such a fun kid to have around!!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Seven Months

Baby J turned seven months yesterday.

He is still enjoying showing off his tongue, 
as you will see by the pictures below.

He continues to be our very happy little guy,
however, he is more vocal these days.  He doesn't 
take a pacifier or his thumb (my first baby who 
hasn't taken either).  He is ALL over the place in
his walker and if you lay him on the ground, he does not
stay in one place for long.  He rolls all over.

If you only all could see what is going on behind me 
and the camera.  I am fighting them off to just 
have a picture with Baby J in it.

But I can only hold them off so long
and in comes Little J.  I love how each of these 
pictures below show their personalities.

Little J has to be right on top of Baby.

I like this picture with the BIG smile.  
He had to be touching him.."I hold his hand mom"

Busy Bee is gentle to sit next to her 
Baby brother with a big smile.

Big J adores his Little Brother and I love 
Baby J looking right back with adoration.

And Purple Girl has to try something new.
She can't just sit by him, she has to show 
me that she can stand him up.

Five blessings, all with Five 
different personalities. 
Keeps our days interesting.

Praising the Lord again 
for Baby J and the blessing he is
in our home!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lots of Love

Little J loves to be affectionate and he is definitely a physical touch guy.  So, since he LOVES Baby J so much, Baby J often receives many hugs like this.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

High Heel Saturday Morning

Our sweet little ladies love to wear their high heel shoes.  They were all dressed up on Saturday morning, so I decided to join them by putting my high heel shoes on too.  Why not wear our fancy shoes around the house.  It is fun being a lady!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Smart Already

It is amazing how smart babies truly are.
This little guy has already discovered how 
to turn our TV on and off.

Daddy was watching a football game and 
Baby J kept going up to the TV to turn it off.
So daddy found a way to stop him-
put the piano bench in front of the TV.

However, it didn't stop this guy from trying
very hard to still turn it off.  He would back up
in his walker, then pick up as much 
speed as he could and reach as hard as he
could to try to turn it off.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Daddy's Home!

Daddy was gone for a week out of the country.  Like always, we miss him so much and can't wait for him to come home.  The kids love making signs and going into the airport to pick him up.

Little J colored a tractor green for daddy.

Lots of excitement when 
daddy arrives and everyone
wants to hold his hand.

Little J found a fun
seat on the way out.

Riding on daddy's 
golf clubs!

We are so thankful to have daddy
home and to be back together again.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Solid Food

This little guy has been enjoying solid foods.
So far he has eaten spinach and peas and seems 
to like them both.

Friday, September 11, 2015


The kids love to paint!  And Mom loves when we can do it outside and have a bucket of water near by.  These two kids started off so neatly painting a picture.

But what started neatly, quickly turned to this.

They had so much fun though and 
keep asking me when they can paint again.

Purple Girl took her time and 
made a neat picture of 
a parrot.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

He has a Reading Buddy

I am used to seeing Big J outside reading a book -
 but it was sweet when Busy Bee wanted to join him.