Thursday, September 17, 2015

Seven Months

Baby J turned seven months yesterday.

He is still enjoying showing off his tongue, 
as you will see by the pictures below.

He continues to be our very happy little guy,
however, he is more vocal these days.  He doesn't 
take a pacifier or his thumb (my first baby who 
hasn't taken either).  He is ALL over the place in
his walker and if you lay him on the ground, he does not
stay in one place for long.  He rolls all over.

If you only all could see what is going on behind me 
and the camera.  I am fighting them off to just 
have a picture with Baby J in it.

But I can only hold them off so long
and in comes Little J.  I love how each of these 
pictures below show their personalities.

Little J has to be right on top of Baby.

I like this picture with the BIG smile.  
He had to be touching him.."I hold his hand mom"

Busy Bee is gentle to sit next to her 
Baby brother with a big smile.

Big J adores his Little Brother and I love 
Baby J looking right back with adoration.

And Purple Girl has to try something new.
She can't just sit by him, she has to show 
me that she can stand him up.

Five blessings, all with Five 
different personalities. 
Keeps our days interesting.

Praising the Lord again 
for Baby J and the blessing he is
in our home!

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