Monday, November 30, 2015

Uncle John

This little guy loves tractors and he loves cows.
We visited his Uncle and Aunt who live on a farm 
and have cows and tractors.  He has not forgotten that
his Uncle John is a farmer and talks about him a lot.

The other evening his sisters were playing with their 
dolls.  He wanted to be included, so he ran and got his 
doll and told his sisters "Look, this is my baby Uncle John!"

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nap Time

This little guy normally lays down for nap with no problems.  He is quite cute laying on his pillow and cuddle with his animals and blankets.

This particular day he decided to hang up his stuffed
animals and blankets.  He told me he was making a party
for his daddy.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Head Lean

Dad finds it entertaining to 
teach our babies to lean their heads 
to the side during dinner.

Just picture Daddy across the table
leaning his head too.

Kids think it is hilarious.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving Turkey's

We had a pirate turkey (by Big J),
Michigan Turkey for daddy (by Purple Girl),
tiger turkey (by Busy Bee)
and a Green Turkey (by Little J).

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Date Night With My Hubby Plus One

Date night means Mom, Dad plus one!  

I feel pretty blessed to be out with 
two adorable boys!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Mommy's Helper

This little guy thinks he is so cool if he grabs something and runs off with it in his walker.
The other day I was sweeping the kitchen floor and he grabbed my broom.

Precious smile.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Lost Two Teeth

Purple Girl lost her first tooth about a week ago.

Within a day, she lost another one.

Her middle bottom two front teeth are gone.

She sure is growing up.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Human Body Amusement Park

This year in school for science we are studying the human body.  One of the projects was to make an amusement park using the digestive system.  Big J was excited about this project and had some clever ideas.

Once Purple Girl saw her brother's excitement, she jumped right in.
Her park included random body parts, but she still got an A!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Nine Months Old

Our baby boy is NINE months old.  He is sure changing a lot these days and seems to be growing up quickly.  He still LOVES to move all over our home in his walker.  Often he is "sprinting" from one end of a room to the other.  He also has become a lot more vocal these days. I still hear him say "Mama" throughout the day, which I love.

We attempted 9 month pictures this morning.  The three oldest were busy with school or playing, but I had my sidekick Little J to "help" me take pictures.  Here is how it went.  

Baby J smiles...

Little J jumps in picture "Take a picture of me too mom!"

Sweet picture of Baby J...

Little J crawls past my barrier and makes his way into the  shot.

Sweet Baby J smile...

My leg trying to hold off Little J who is trying to get in picture again.

We are done!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Playing in the Leaves

The leaves on the tree out front finally fell.  I raked them into a pile and the kids had SO much fun jumping in them.  It was so sweet to hear their genuine giggles.

I love the look in his eyes.  
He was so sure about me laying him 
down in this pile.  But he never fussed,
he was just keeping an eye on me.

Friday, November 13, 2015


Big Brother made robot costumes for himself and his little brother.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Craft Show

It has become a tradition that the girls and I attend a craft show that is in town the first weekend of November every year.  We go with Aunt Fell and Cousin J and normally Grammie too.  Unfortunately Grammie had to be out of town this year.

The girls were up early and ready to go.

At our first stop!

Tired after walking for two hours.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Cuddle Time

We had quite the sick three weeks in our home.  
This little guy needed some snuggles from his daddy one evening when he wasn't feeling well.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


This year for Halloween the kids dressed up
 and the boys handed out candy.

Unfortunately the girls were still sick, so they stayed home, but
mom took the boys trick or treating to a few house.

Little J was so adorable as he walked around.
He kept telling me he was getting candy for his daddy.

Then he had to carry his candy bag around
for the next few days.  

Every now and then he would dump
out his bag, look at his candy and then load it back up.
He never really asked to have any,
he just wanted to carry it around.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


We enjoyed an afternoon at the park and the
 kids were having so much fun as daddy was chasing them.