Monday, November 16, 2015

Nine Months Old

Our baby boy is NINE months old.  He is sure changing a lot these days and seems to be growing up quickly.  He still LOVES to move all over our home in his walker.  Often he is "sprinting" from one end of a room to the other.  He also has become a lot more vocal these days. I still hear him say "Mama" throughout the day, which I love.

We attempted 9 month pictures this morning.  The three oldest were busy with school or playing, but I had my sidekick Little J to "help" me take pictures.  Here is how it went.  

Baby J smiles...

Little J jumps in picture "Take a picture of me too mom!"

Sweet picture of Baby J...

Little J crawls past my barrier and makes his way into the  shot.

Sweet Baby J smile...

My leg trying to hold off Little J who is trying to get in picture again.

We are done!

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