Friday, May 27, 2016

Full Hands

Here is a normal picture of this boy lately.
Whether he is holding his blanket and animals 
(like below), or any other toys - he tends to like to 
have ALL his toys in his arm at one time.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Early Snuggles

5AM Snuggles!!

This is a normal morning any time
between 5am and 6am.  I am usually 
working in the kitchen and at least one,
if not all three are downstairs running 
into my arms for morning hugs.

The particular morning all three were
in the kitchen early.
Lots of love -
Definitely feel blessed!

Number 1 and Number 5 were
still enjoying their sleep.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Running Errands

This is my normal "team" when
I head out to run errands on the weekend.

The girls enjoy bringing their babies along
as I bring my BIG baby boy with too.

Sweet little boy - Love this guy so much!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Family Evening

We have been enjoying making a fire out front and
roasting hot dogs and brats for dinner.

Of course when you have a fire,
you have to have marshmallows too.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Splint Off

Big J got his splint off last week.  His arm is still stiff, but
he should be back to 100% soon.

After he got his splint off, him and I with our buddy
Baby J went out for dinner together before we ran some errands.

We even enjoyed ice cream cones together -
which we haven't done in a long time.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Like Big Brother

It is sweet, I think I have pictures with all the younger 
siblings reading next to their big brother.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Field Trip Botanical Gardens

We took a field trip to the Botanical Gardens.

The kids took a class and got to make their
own terrariums.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Happy Mothers Day

Daddy set up the camera for a mother day picture.

The kids thought it was SOOO funny that daddy
didn't make it back in time for the first shot.

We tried again and got a few keepers.

So blessed to be called mom by 
these five blessings!!

Love them all (and my hubs)
so very much.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Matching Shirts

We bought the kids matching shirts.
I love that they still think it is okay to match.

I don't really know the super heroes,
but I guess these shirts are Captain America.

They were excited and I thought 
looked quite cute in their matching shirts.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fun with Daddy

The kids love when daddy throws them
up in the air.

Big J had to sit this activity out 
due to the elbow.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Zoo with Grammie

Baby J loves to make the elephant sound.
He had to walk over and see this elephant.

Train ride.

Little J was in my lap.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Super Heros

Baby J received this costume 
from the hospital.

Little J wanted to try it on.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Until we get the stitches out, this is our make shift bath cap to keep his head dry.

Cute after bath photo!

Monday, May 2, 2016

YEA - We are HOME!

It is crazy this whole journey started less than a month ago, when Baby J received his diagnosis.  We are so thankful for how quickly the doctors helped to make this come together.  Baby J still needs to recover from this surgery and will need to be extra caution for a little while now.  He has a helmet to help protect his head, but we still need to keep an extra eye on him for awhile.  

After being in the hospital 4 full days, we finally were able
 to go home on day 5 - Saturday, April 30th.

By the end of our week, Baby J  was ready to leave 
his room.  Whenever we would walk back in, he would
start crying.  He liked his freedom.

This was his room for the week.

The last night he was ready to be home (as was mom).
He ended up in bed next to me at 3am.

He won the hearts of the nurses.
They enjoyed letting him play with
their stethoscope.

Ride home - all smiles!!

We arrived home to a clean house, beautiful cards 
and special pictures taken of our children
while we were gone.


So thankful to be home!