Monday, May 2, 2016

YEA - We are HOME!

It is crazy this whole journey started less than a month ago, when Baby J received his diagnosis.  We are so thankful for how quickly the doctors helped to make this come together.  Baby J still needs to recover from this surgery and will need to be extra caution for a little while now.  He has a helmet to help protect his head, but we still need to keep an extra eye on him for awhile.  

After being in the hospital 4 full days, we finally were able
 to go home on day 5 - Saturday, April 30th.

By the end of our week, Baby J  was ready to leave 
his room.  Whenever we would walk back in, he would
start crying.  He liked his freedom.

This was his room for the week.

The last night he was ready to be home (as was mom).
He ended up in bed next to me at 3am.

He won the hearts of the nurses.
They enjoyed letting him play with
their stethoscope.

Ride home - all smiles!!

We arrived home to a clean house, beautiful cards 
and special pictures taken of our children
while we were gone.


So thankful to be home!

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