Saturday, October 8, 2016

Family Trip - Big Chair

At the end of our day at Silver Dollar City, 
we walked past this big chair and had to get one 
final family picture before our week long trip was over.

Our sweet boy - still smiles after a long day at the park
and no nap!  He slept well that night.

The next two photos were my attempt
at just getting the five of them in 
the BIG chair.  

Nope - wasn't going to happen. 
Did I mention we had been at the park for 
8 hours - walked up and down hill after hill
and been on several rides.

So a serious picture of all five didn't happen.

But this guy wanted the chair to 
himself for one last photo.

And there you have it.  
That was our Branson family trip.

We praise the Lord for answering our prayers
and allowing us to have such a nice trip.
We thank Him for the absolutely GORGEOUS weather
we had while we were there.  We praise Him as we 
saw more of His amazing creation and stand in awe of the 
beauty He allows us to enjoy each day.
We praise Him for good health, safe travels,
wonderful sleepers (besides a few early birds, but we
can handle that) and overall very limited meltdowns.
Dad and I actually kept it together most of the week...smiles..did
you think I meant the children?  They had limited
meltdowns too!

All praise and honor and glory to HIM!

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