Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Happy Birthday BIG J!

We have a 10 YEAR OLD!

BIG J wanted a Mario theme.  
So he made his cake above and 
decorated with MnM's a Mario scene.

This picture above is special.
When Fancy E knew he had a Mario
theme she took the time to 
make this Mario out of Lego's for him.

Happy Birthday!

We love this guy so much.
He is such a blessing in our family.
Can't believe he is TEN!
The time does fly.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Afternoon Hike

One evening while daddy was gone late for work,
we went for a hike down by the lake.

It was a little chilly,
but a beautiful evening.

Although you really can't see in this picture, we 
had a special treat while we were there...
a bald eagle flew right over our heads.
It took me a second to get my phone out and ready 
to take a picture, so the eagle is far off in the picture

Monday, March 20, 2017

Sunday, March 19, 2017


We were learning about Newton's Laws of Motion.

Big J had to make his own car.

And then perform this experiment.

If I knew how to easily download my videos
from my phone on here, I would 
show you that he completed the experiment perfectly.

But since I can't and if you are curious,
you can watch this short youtube link get an idea
on how it was done.

Friday, March 10, 2017


Tiger Lily was so excited as she made
this tiger and tractor out of construction
paper for herself and her brother.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Finished Crafts...

We had to let our projects dry before
the kids could decorate.

A seashell, a fish, and a sea crab.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Craft Time

These kids love crafts .
One of my goals this year was to make time
for crafts during school.  I am trying.

Today we had a beach theme.
They were painting a fish, a crab
and a shell.

Finished projects to come...

And what was this little boy doing?

Of course if the big siblings are painting, 
he must get to paint also.

But true to who this kid is,
if he sees it, he must taste it.
So, painting was shorted lived
as he would not stop licking it.  
But yet he refused to eat my
chicken for dinner.

Homemade Marble Run

Big J made a homemade marble run
for his school project.

All the kids enjoyed playing with this project.
We made the accident of leaving the 2 little
boys alone to play with it and came back to find
that they had folded the boards together and 
were stomping on it.

Thankfully Big J is patient and was not angry at his brothers.

The next morning Farmer J asked for the marble run...
hmm buddy, you broke it.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Playing Cards with Daddy

We are a card playing family.
Both Nathan and I grew up playing cards 
and we are excited to teach our children to play.

We start them young!

Farmer J was being taught how to play
Kings in the Corner by his dad.

Love these big brown eyes.

My mom and grandparents started teaching me how to
play cards when I was little and my
love for playing carried through all my life.

I have so many wonderful memories of playing
cards growing up and playing cards
with both sets of my grandparents.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Two Year Old Pictures

Since the poor guy was miserable with a cold 
starting the day of his birthday and following several days after, 
we just now were able to take his two year old pictures.  

LOVE this GUY!!

Puppy J is overall quite the happy, content boy.
He talks to us a lot and often says things that 
makes us all laugh.  He enjoys singing and 
listening to music.  

He likes trucks and tractors and 
everything boyish.  
He enjoys wrestling with his brothers
and playing "shoot gun."

He adores all of his siblings and
is often asking one of them to play with him.
He gets excited if one off his older
siblings will read to him before bed.
He receives a LOT of hugs each 
day (maybe more than he even wants).
He certainly does not lack for love around here.

I love my bedtime talks with him -
it is so cute to hear what is on his mind.  
He really likes animals and would sleep
with several stuffed animals if we let him.
I think right now he has two puppies, a lion
and an elephant he sleeps with.

                                         We are so blessed to have this boy in our home.
Praising God for another year with him and
for all the joy he has brought to our home.