Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Two Year Old Pictures

Since the poor guy was miserable with a cold 
starting the day of his birthday and following several days after, 
we just now were able to take his two year old pictures.  

LOVE this GUY!!

Puppy J is overall quite the happy, content boy.
He talks to us a lot and often says things that 
makes us all laugh.  He enjoys singing and 
listening to music.  

He likes trucks and tractors and 
everything boyish.  
He enjoys wrestling with his brothers
and playing "shoot gun."

He adores all of his siblings and
is often asking one of them to play with him.
He gets excited if one off his older
siblings will read to him before bed.
He receives a LOT of hugs each 
day (maybe more than he even wants).
He certainly does not lack for love around here.

I love my bedtime talks with him -
it is so cute to hear what is on his mind.  
He really likes animals and would sleep
with several stuffed animals if we let him.
I think right now he has two puppies, a lion
and an elephant he sleeps with.

                                         We are so blessed to have this boy in our home.
Praising God for another year with him and
for all the joy he has brought to our home.

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