Friday, April 21, 2017

More Guests Pics

And the 2nd reoccurring event, 
was card playing!! Or game playing...

We are a card playing family.  Both Nathan and I grew 
up playing cards with our parents and grandparents,
so it is so much fun when family comes and we can
play together.

And the kids join right in.
Here Grandpa and Fancy E are playing Kings in the Corner.

Now these two are playing the game Spinner with
Great Grandma.

And these three youngest enjoyed playing War with Grandma.

The three oldest played Michigan Rummy with Grandma.

We also taught Big J and Fancy E 
how to play euchre.  They picked up on it 

And then of course we took some time for
just the adults to play Smear.
You might ask Grandpa (my dad)
who won the championship game...
the men or the ladies??

We had a real nice visit and are very
thankful they were all able to come.
We had some very sad children when
everyone had to go home.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Guests Pictures

With our weekend with our guests, you might notice two reoccurring things.  
Here is number 1...see if you can guess. 

Someone LOVES his grandpa and LOVED 
all of his attention.  I think Farmer J might
have worn his Grandpa right out.

And when Farmer J wasn't in Grandpa's
lap, which was not often, Puppy J found a seat.

And when Grandpa went home
a few days earlier than Great Grandma,
Farmer J found a new friend!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Out of Town Guests

This past weekend we had some out of town guests. 
 My dad, his wife and my grandma were all here to visit.

They were able to celebrate Resurrection Sunday with us.

We made a nice Easter meal together.

Had an egg hunt around our home with the cousins.

Went to the park and played.

Went to the gym and played a little also.

More pictures to come....

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Visit to Great Grandparents

We had a really nice time visiting Nathan's grandparents.

One highlight is always playing cards with Grandma.

His grandparents live on a farm and many cousins live close by.
Our kids had such a wonderful time playing with cousins and
"living" the farm life.

This guy LOVED the puppy.  
He was excited when the puppy hopped
on the ranger he was "driving"

Farmer J helping Great Grandma.

We had such a nice day!  

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Four Year Old

Birthday boy pictures!

This boy - he is full of energy, full
of snuggles, and full of giggles...just start tickling him.

Almost every morning I get the best
HUG first thing in the morning from this guy.

He enjoys tractors, construction vehicles,
motorcycles and now his new monster truck.

He is quite excited about being FOUR!
He has given me a list of all the
things he can do by himself, now that he is 4.

We are so thankful for this boy!
Love him so much!!

Monday, April 10, 2017

10 Year Old Pictures

Big J turned 10 a few weeks ago.  
I like to try to take pictures around their birthdays.  
So here is our handsome 10 year old!

Still can't believe he is 10 years old.
Some of his current likes and/or activities are:
basketball this past winter
baseball this spring
Michigan Wolverine Fan
still LOVES to read!
took a coding class for computers in the winter
enjoys working on his computer
Meatloaf and crash potatoes

We love this guy so much and are
so thankful for him.  

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Happy Birthday Farmer J

Our Farmer J turned 4 this past week.

He enjoyed helping me make his cake.

And of course licking the batter.

We opened presents first thing in the morning,
and his face below is priceless!

He received a remote control monster truck.
His big brother had just received one a week and 
a half ago for his birthday.  So for Farmer J to 
have one just like his big brother was exactly what he wanted.

This picture below is special.
Big Sister wrapped him some of her 
special "rocks" and Farmer J was
so excited and thankful for her gift to him.

We made a tank cake for his birthday.

We  had some family over that evening to say 
Happy Birthday and sing to him.

We love this guy so much!!!

Happy Birthday buddy!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Gym and Pool Fun!

While the cousins were in town,
we went to a local rec center to swim and play
in the gym.