Sunday, April 9, 2017

Happy Birthday Farmer J

Our Farmer J turned 4 this past week.

He enjoyed helping me make his cake.

And of course licking the batter.

We opened presents first thing in the morning,
and his face below is priceless!

He received a remote control monster truck.
His big brother had just received one a week and 
a half ago for his birthday.  So for Farmer J to 
have one just like his big brother was exactly what he wanted.

This picture below is special.
Big Sister wrapped him some of her 
special "rocks" and Farmer J was
so excited and thankful for her gift to him.

We made a tank cake for his birthday.

We  had some family over that evening to say 
Happy Birthday and sing to him.

We love this guy so much!!!

Happy Birthday buddy!

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