Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Our Two Boys!

Got to love the energy these two bring to our home.  

Here they are attempting to lay by 
one another in a chair.

We all knew the stillness would not last long.

It seems to always turn to wrestling.

And then trying to conquer.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Special Olympics

The kids, the cousins, Aunt K and I were blessed to 
spend a morning last week volunteering with Special Olympics.

We were helping with the 100 meter dash.

We had a lot of fun and it was such 
a blessing to volunteer.

Also a blessing was a good friend
who volunteered her own time
to watch our 3 youngest.
Thanks so much!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Baseball Games...Brr...

We have had some really nice evenings for baseball games and we have had some chilly evenings.

This particular game only Fancy E came with me. 
 Thanks to Aunt Kimm, the other three stayed home.

So Fancy E and I snuggled in our blankets to try to keep warm.

Big J had a good game.  A few hits and a walk
and did well in the field.

It has been a fun season so far.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Fancy E had a special outing with her grandma.

Of course shopping was involved.

A highlight at the mall is going up
and down the escalator.

And ice cream!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

End of School Year Presentations

For an end of the school year project, the children all picked one topic they wanted to, did research and made a board to present.  The cousins joined in on this project and we had a fun evening of sharing.

Fancy E chose hummingbirds.

Big J chose robotics.

Farmer J sang his ABC's, counted his numbers and showed
off his art projects from the year.

Tiger Lily chose Rattlesnakes and also 
shared some of her art projects.

Puppy J even shared a picture of an 
excavator that his brother drew for him.
And then he very sweetly sang Amazing Grace
(sure wish I would have recorded it...melt my heart)!

Puppy J only has TWO things on his mind,
it seems like all of the time...

Excavators and "What are we having...[for the next meal]"

The cousins each shared a country with us.
It was a really nice evening.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Fun Slide

After the field trip we stopped by a local park for some fun and also a sack lunch outside.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Field Trip - Cake Ball Factory

We are very blessed to have two wonderful lady's in our 
church, who also own a cake ball factory.

We took a field trip to learn about their business
and of course also enjoy some of the cake balls.

Make the cake into balls.
(Not as easy as it sounds)

Dipping the cake balls...

And then getting ready to eat the cake balls.

This guy LOVED this field trip.
He could not get enough.

Thank you so much for having us come visit.
We had a wonderful time and we learned a lot.

Before we went into the kitchen,
the kids got to ask questions about the business
and Laina did a wonderful job explaining the hard
work and different skills that go into the business.

We had a wonderful time!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Early Morning Find

Dad was leaving early for work one morning and discovered this guy in our driveway.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Two Boys

These two boys might turn 
my hair gray, but they sure do
bring a lot of smiles to my face!

They have so much fun together...
So thankful for them both and 
praying the Lord would allow them
to be best friends!

Sunday, May 14, 2017


We went to the Omaha Zoo.
We had gorgeous weather and a wonderful time.
We were blessed to go with good friends as well.

We saw a polar bear eating his lunch.

Got to ride the carousel.

Saw a peacock...Fancy E really enjoyed this.

Watched the gorilla up close.

Had fun with friends.

If you are counting...9 kids!!

Really enjoyed watching the penguins.

Sat and rested in the aquarium.

Was amazed at the BIG sea turtle.

Saw a baby giraffe...only 9 days old.

Everyone got to see their favorite animals...
for Tiger Lily (besides the tigers),
was this rattlesnake.

Walked across a swinging bridge.

We had a wonderful time and praise
the Lord for such nice weather,
safe travels and the opportunity
to go. . All Glory to HIM!