Tuesday, May 23, 2017

End of School Year Presentations

For an end of the school year project, the children all picked one topic they wanted to, did research and made a board to present.  The cousins joined in on this project and we had a fun evening of sharing.

Fancy E chose hummingbirds.

Big J chose robotics.

Farmer J sang his ABC's, counted his numbers and showed
off his art projects from the year.

Tiger Lily chose Rattlesnakes and also 
shared some of her art projects.

Puppy J even shared a picture of an 
excavator that his brother drew for him.
And then he very sweetly sang Amazing Grace
(sure wish I would have recorded it...melt my heart)!

Puppy J only has TWO things on his mind,
it seems like all of the time...

Excavators and "What are we having...[for the next meal]"

The cousins each shared a country with us.
It was a really nice evening.

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