Monday, July 31, 2017

First Day of School

It is the first day of school - TODAY - AHHHHH....

We actually were not that scared or disappointed, 
actually we are excited...for the most part.

Well, kind of.  A little sad to have summer be officially over,
but we are starting slow and will still enjoy plenty of time outside.

And it is always nice to get back into a routine...
for everyone.

We had our traditional scavenger hunt to find 
their new school supplies.

So much excitement to fill up their pencil boxes.

And we had a "fun" lunch with consisted of a "Cell" Sandwich.
We use different ingredients for the different parts of the cell.
Who doesn't enjoy a sandwich covered in granola, honey, PB,
coconut, chocolate chips, and sprinkles?!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Ms. Fancy

Fancy E loves any thing she can find
that makes her outfits more "fancy."

This fan of course was something she "needed"
to complete her outfit and Grandma
was happy to find one for her.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Early Mornings

Saturday mornings sometimes equals cartoon morning.
These two boys took over our bed, so while 
mom and dad were off for some coffee,
these two enjoyed Daniel the Tiger.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Birthday Cake

Her request...a monkey cake.

So we worked together and came
up with this.

Ready to sing to her

Funny girl - making a wish...

And blowing out the candles

And then everyone enjoyed a piece of cake!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Happy Birthday Tiger Lily

Our little girl is SIX years old today!

Happy Birthday our sweet little girl.  
You are such a blessing in our home
and we are so thankful for you.

She was excited to receive rollerskates for her present.
She is looking forward to trying to keep up 
with her big brother and sister when
they rollerblade.

So much love for this lady.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Painting Fun

Girls thought this idea was fun.

I forgot to get a picture of the finished project.

I also did not anticipate that the girls of
course would want to keep their painting and as
one daughter said when I told her there was not 
enough space in their bedroom for it
"Mom, we could just hang it on our ceiling."

This has now become out of sight out of mind.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Hard Work

Love this guys determination. 
All the other kids took their laundry baskets up the stairs to unload. 
This guy wanted to take his up as well "All By Himself!"  

Step by step he pulled and carried this basket
up the stairs.  He would allow no one to help him.

He was so proud of himself when he
got it to the top and carried it to his room.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Summer Heat = Popsicles

I walked out of the house and they were
sitting like this.

Another Hike

This time we went hiking by the near by lake.
The kids brought their containers again.  This
time I think they found a lot of seeds and nuts.

We didn't go all the way down by the water, but
did enjoy the sand up high.

Saturday, July 8, 2017


We have been enjoying a lot of hiking around the area.

We bring along small containers and all the children
finding treasures along the way.  We are on a bug
collecting mission - but sometimes we come home with
other little creatures too.

This particular hike we came home with
a container full of daddy long leg spiders.

A dragon fly.

A centipede

A green flying beetle

and a little frog.

After the hike we enjoyed cooling off in the

The sun was a little bright for this photo

There were also bison at this park.  So
we watched them and actually decided to put
down our picnic blanket here and eat lunch.

It was a really nice morning
enjoying God's creation!