Friday, July 7, 2017

Happy 4th

We spent the 4th morning at home.
The girls helped me make our flag jello.

Good Job Ladies!

Then we had a carnival in the front yard.

Football toss

Ring toss

Dart Balloon Throw

Basketball shooting

Water Cup Races

Dad vs. Big J

Fancy E vs. Tiger Lily

Farmer J vs. Puppy J (with a little help from dad)

Since Puppy J had daddy's help, he
finished first.  It was a little challenging 
for the little boys, but this guy below
would not give up until
he made his cup make it all the way across the
rope on his own.

Then we attempted a water balloon toss by 
placing a kitchen colander on top
of dad's head. Well - the excitement was high
at the thought of the water balloons busting on daddy's head-
but unfortunately this did not work.  The kids
made the shots, but the balloons did not break.

So we ended up just enjoying a water balloon fight.

It was a fun 4th and of course the kids
loved all the treats they received for prizes
for participating in the carnival.

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