Friday, August 25, 2017

Sick Little Girl

Our poor Tiger Lily ended up sick week 2 of school..

She was down and out for a full 24 hours, and it took another day 
to get her strength back.

She is such a sweet girl and so tough when it comes to 
being sick.

So glad she is feeling better and that no one else
got sick.

Thursday, August 24, 2017


We spent a week exploring
We made a Rainbow in a jar!

We used eye droppers and put colored vinegar into pans of baking soda.

Watching the chemical reaction while mixing colors was fun.

Even big brother jumped in on this activity.

We mixed colors in shaving cream.

Of course this turned messy for the two year old

And for this lady, she tends to like to get a little messy,

Then made these neat pictures from
The shaving cream.

Finally we colored paper towels

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

School Outside

One of the hardest parts of starting school for me, especially in August, is not being able to be outside.  So, I set up a table outside and we attempt to do some of our school in the driveway.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Friday Evening Fire

 A little fire, a few hot dogs and a fun family = nice Sunday evening :) 

Saturday, August 19, 2017

State Fair

Fancy E wanted to go the State Fair
for her birthday.  The other kids were excited
about this idea also.

Going down the BIG slide is a huge highlight.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Wagon Fun

This guy rarely moves away from a task, so 
pulling one sibling,

or two siblings up the hill

he will give it his best effort.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Early Mornings

This is the guy I often see
walking down the stairs early in
the morning with both his puppies in arm.

Now he is making faces for me.

Funny boy

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Friends in our Yard

We have been blessed to have several deer sightings in
our yard.  Often there are two fawns with their mom.

One afternoon we were outside playing and
the two fawns came out to "play" also,
real close to us.

Of course it didn't take long for five young
children to eventually scare them away.
They all started to see how close they could get
and then, well, you know.

Happy Birthday

Fancy E was excited to make her own 
birthday cake.  She mixed it, baked it,
and then got to decorate it.

Yes, I gave her all the sprinkles and icing 
and let her go at it.

Does this look yummy??

Well, to her and her four siblings it looked
extremely delicious.

And by the smile on her face 
below you can tell she 
was very excited to eat it.

Singing Happy Birthday to our sweet girl.

She wanted to use the trick candles that kept
relighting when she blew them out.
This was quite entertaining for some time.

Enjoying her purple cake.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Happy 8th Birthday

Our Fancy E is EIGHT years old today!

Where does the time go? 
So thankful for this little lady,
who is growing up quite quickly.

Happy Birthday Darling.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Basketball Camp

Both Big J and Fancy E went to a
basketball camp this summer.  I only
got a few pictures of Fancy E though.