Tuesday, October 31, 2017


We took an outing to a local trampoline park, 
even Dad came along.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


This is what happens when a tree falls down in your yard

We have enough fire wood to last all winter and more!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Tree Down

Saturday morning at 9:30am we were standing in the kitchen, one minute we look out the window and all is normal, the next minute we look out and one of our front trees is down.  Craziness!

The weather had nothing to do with it - looks like the roots were rotten.  We are just praising God that the children were inside and that the tree that fell was far enough away from the house not to hit it. 

Tree down equals lots of for for kids to play on.

Even after Nathan had cut up a lot of it,
the kids were still having a blast.

They built this fort.

And according to this little guy,
he built a fire pit just like daddy.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Apple Tasting

Every year we try to boy a variety of apples
and taste them to pick our favorites.

We also add in some dipping choices - caramel, chocolate and 
peanut butter.  I think this was basically our dinner.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Sick Girl

Before our apple orchard and zoo outings, actually the day we had planned to go to the apple orchard, poor Tiger Lilly and Big J both woke up sick.  It was such a funny virus...they both were sick three or four times, starting around 5am.  By 8am Big J was better and by 10am, Tiger Lilly was ready to eat my kitchen. 

This was Tiger Lilly about 8am...it was cute how she fell asleep with her "throw up" cup right over her mouth.  I like a child who is prepared.

And by mid morning she was all smiles and 
feeling so much better.

Thankfully no one else caught it and were
able to reschedule our apple orchard outing.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


We also went to the zoo back in September
with Grammie and cousins and Aunt!

Feeding the birds was a definite highlight
for everyone.

I love this girls smile...she was SO excited
to have the birds land on her stick and stay
with her.

Funny 10 year old!

It was a morning at the zoo.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Apple Orchard - Post 4

Finally the kids jumped in the corn pool...

And for days later I am finding corn in my
washing machine and around my house...Smiles!

They jumped on the big pillow

Stood on the bridge for a picture

Played in the little houses (funny how older kids
are not as excited about these any more, but this guy below
would have stayed and played in them for a while)

And tried to grab a pumpkin on his way out.

We ended by sharing a few caramel apples.

It was a beautiful day to go
and I think everyone had a nice time!