Monday, October 2, 2017


My husband had the fun idea of camping in the backyard with the children.  It was a beautiful evening and some good friends allowed us to borrow their tent.  We were just able to fit seven sleeping spaces inside.

We enjoyed dinner around the fire.

Daddy reading bedtime stories to the kids
before they went to bed.

Sleeping arrangements...

This little guy slept in the corner next to mom and dad.

The kids went to bed first...we heard a lot of 
giggles coming from the tent for a while 
and pretty sure the guy above was bouncing
on mom and dad's air mattress for a little while.

Mom and dad ready for bed

Unfortunately BIG J's allergies were really bothering him,
so he never even made it to sleep before having
to go into the house to sleep (I guess the perk about
camping in your backyard).

And Tiger Lily has had a cough that has
been bothering her at night, so she made it until about midnight,
but when her cough started waking everyone up,
mom and her headed to the house.

So two little boys, Fancy E and Dad
made it all night.  Dad said his
air mattress lost air half way through 
the night (possibly due to a 2 year old
bouncing on his bed).
And of course Fancy E had her brothers up nice
and early (she was quite concerned at bedtime
on how she would know when to get up in the morning
without her clock telling her).

In the morning Dad made breakfast for us all by the fire again-

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