Thursday, February 22, 2018

Christmas Program at GiGi's

Due to illness in December, we postponed the annual
 Christmas program at GiGi's to February 18th.

Farmer J was a Wise Man

All the cousins dressed up for the nativity skit.

This sweet little cousin sat on Tiger Lilly's lap
through the whole program.
Tiger Lilly was a cow.

And then the cousins singing Christmas songs.

These two were a little distracted
during the singing.

All smiles now.

These two cousins hit off and were having fun...
maybe a little too much fun during Jingle Bells...
they were hitting their bells together.

Great Grandkids with GiGi

And 18 Grandkids with Grandpa and Grandma

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Valentine Crafts

Valentine Day Crafts

Big J made me the
Best Mom Award!
It was sweet of him.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Cousins Over

Our cousins from Nebraska were over this past week.

Lots of love for this sweet little girl!

Puppy J is so gentle and sweet with her.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Happy Birthday

We were blessed to be able to have a birthday for Puppy J 
on the 17th and ALL of his cousins who live close by were able to attend.  
That means 20 children 10 and under!  So much FUN!

Earlier in the day we made his excavator cake

and decorated the basement for his party

We sang his Excavator song

Sang happy birthday to him

Blowing out the candles

Enjoying his cake

opening presents

Such a fun party celebrating 
such a fun guy!

So thankful for this little man.
Love him so much!!
So thankful for family who live
close by and made time
to come over and celebrate with us.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Chugger Boy

Ms. Tiger Lilly sees cardboard and an idea comes right to her mind.  
We went to Costco and when we got home we had boxes.  
She is instantly in our pantry with scissors and tape creating something for her brothers. 
 This time she made a train.

She dressed Puppy J up in his train conductor 
costume and they were off.

Puppy J was saying "chug-a-chug chug-a-chug"


Happy Birthday

Our Baby Boy is THREE Years old today!  How can it be?!  

We made pancakes for breakfast and put candles in them to sing Happy Birthday.  He blew the candles out before I could take the picture.

Then we opened a few gifts.

You may observe a theme through 
his birthday posts.  This young man is
all about EXCAVATORS!

So when I found a shirt that read
"I'm Digging Being 3" 
I couldn't resist getting it for him.

He got one excavator from Aunt/Uncle and cousins.

Helping me make the cake.

Due to big sister having basketball 
practice tonight, we are having his party

Grammie stopped by to wish him
a Happy Birthday.

And who knew,
another excavator shirt.

Pretty soon he will have an excavator 
shirt for every day of the week-
which would make him quite happy.

We are so thankful for this little
boy.  He truly is a joy to have
around our home.

On his birthday questionnaire this afternoon, 
I asked him about some of his favorites:
Color -Blue
Song-Amazing Grace and I'm An Excavator (yup-there is a song)
Toy -Excavator
What he wants to be when he grows up - Excavator Man
What trip would he like to go on - To Dig a big hole [with his excavator]

and then I asked him if he saw a bear in the woods, 
what would he do?

He said, "I would kick him.  I would protect YOU mommy!"

Melt my heart!   

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Every Mom

Should take her baby to school with her.

As long as baby Daisy
or any of this little girl's multiple 
children don't distract her from her school work,
she often brings them to "school."

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Snow Fun

Had to entertain for the picture.

Just like big brother

Backward fall

With a little help from dad,

The kids had fun going down the hill

Big brother made sure they didn't
end up in the trees.